Hull and Myton Improvement Commissioners: Title Deeds and other documents relating to property

Reference No:
C ICH/235
26 Jun 1811

Feoffment (indent)

Parties: i (a) Jane Porter of Hull, widow

(b) James Walker of Springhead, Cottingham esq

(c) Jane Walker, his wife

ii (a) Anthony Atkinson of Sculcoates, merchant

(b) J. N. Cross of Sutton, esq

(c) William Parker of Hull, merchant

(d) Christopher Bolton of Hull, merchant

(e) John Simpson of Myton esq

(f) John Broadley of Wright Street

The Chairman and five other Commissioners under the Hull and Myton Improvement Act

Consideration: £126

Property: 850 Sq yards of land from Broderick Close on the East Side to Love Lane and 422 sq yards of land from Waterhouse Close on the North side of Patrick Ground Lane as shown on plans endorsed with livery of seisin.

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The Hull and Myton Improvement Commissioners