Daily Bills of Entry

Reference No:
C WB/489-749

Daily bills giving the following:-

i) Ships reports; List of ships leaving foreign ports with quantities and ownership of cargoes

ii) Goods entered from the ships for home consumption; Alphabetical list of those commodities with quantities, owners and ports of origin

iii) Goods from the warehouse for home consumption, similar to ii)

iv) Goods entered for bond; similar to ii)

v) Exports; arranged alphabetically under ports, merchants and exporters giving quantities of all commodities

vi) Foreign goods exported; similar to v)

vii) Vessels entered for loading; lists of ships with names of docks and proposed destinations

viii) Ships outward lists; lists arranged alphabetically under destination ports, of ships leaving Hull

ix) Corn; quantity of various types imported and how much duty paid

x) Exports monthly; summaries of the quantities of various kinds of textiles exported

xi) A table giving the names of ships and masters and the places from which or to which they were going on arrival or departure from Hull

xii) Advertisements of shippers and agents

245 items 15 bundles
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Water Bailiffs records