Accounts for the Hull Wool House

Reference No:
C WW/1-232
These show the sums due from each of the vessels bringing lead from Derbyshire. They indicate the number of pigs, pieces or firkins and the number of fothers (a specific weight, about 19.5 cwt) they were converted to for the purposes of calculating the dues at so much per fother. Sometimes dues for striking were also levied but these seem to have been in addition to the main dues which alone indicate the quantity of lead handled. In addition, the accounts show the expenditure on wages and salaries, maintenance of the Wool House and their incidental expenditure. They were made up quarterly in December, March, June and September but the four accounts were often bound in a single volume. An exception was the period 1647-1659 when the expenditure was accounted quarterly but the income for the whole period was covered by each account.
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Hull City Archives
Hull Wool House accounts