Civil War Tracts

Reference No:
L CWT/14
26 Jan 1642-8 Dec 1642

Includes various tracts relating to the Civil War. The second volume includes only one tract, which appears as item 5 in the first volume, 'His Majesties answer, to a book, intituled, the declaration, or remonstrance of Lords and Commons of 19th May 1642':


1) A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament: shewing the imminent danger danger in which the Kingdom now stands, by reason of a malignant party prevailing with His Majesty, putting him upon violent and perillous wayes, and now in arms against them to the harzarding of His majesties person, and for the oppression of the true religion.

2) A Declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament setting forth the grounds and reasons that necessitate them at this time to take up defensive arms for the preservation of His Majesties person.

3) The vindication of the Parliament and their proceedings or their military designe proved loyall and legall.

4) Matters of high consequence concerning the great affaires of the Kingdome viz. The petition of divers of His Majesties faithfull subjects, of the true protestant religion, in the county palantine of Lancaster.

5) His Majesties anaswer to a book entitled, The Declaration, or remonstrance of the Lords and Commons, of the 19. of May, 1642.

6) His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects of August 12. 1642. (N.B Page numbers are inconsistent in this tract. It would appear that this could possibly be 2 different tracts in one.)

7) A moderate and most proper reply to a declaration, printed and published under His Majesties name, December, 8. Intended against an ordinance of Parliament for assessing.

8) The petition of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, delivered to His Majesty the 16 day of July 1642. together with His Majesties answer thereunto.


His Majesties answer to a book, entitled 'The Declaration, or remonstrance of the Lords and Commons, of the 19. May. 1642

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2 volumes
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Civil War Tracts