Civil War Tracts

Reference No:
25 Jan 1641-23 Nov 1642

Includes various tracts relating to the Civil War:

1) Two petitions of the Knightd, Gentlemen, Freeholders, and others of the inhabitants of the County of Hertford. The one - To the right Honourable House of Peers. The other - to the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, of the Honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament.

2) A true copy of the petition of the Gentle-women, & trades-men wives in, and about the City of London delivered to the House of Commons, assembled in Parliament, Feb.4. 1641.

3) The two petitions of the Knights, Gentlemen and Free-holders of the county of OXON: together with two petitions of the County of Kent presented to both houses of Parliament on the eighth and ninth of February.

4) The petition of the Knights, Gentle-men and Free-holders of the County of North-hampton: together with the two petitions of the County of Kent presented on the eighth and ninth of February.

5) A true relation of some remarkable passages concerning Nottingham-shire petition and His Majesties answer.

6) The petition of the Knights, Gentlemen, Free-holders, and other inhabitants of the County and City of York, presented to the Honorable house of Commons now assembled in Parliament. Wherein (inter alia) they humbly offer to billet and mayntain at their own charge 300 of their horses, and 3000 of their trained bands within their owne shire, for three moneths, if the Parliament shall see fit.

7) A declaration of the lords and Commonsd assembled in Parliament, setting forth the grounds and reasons, that necessitate them at this time to take up defensive arms for the preservation of His Majesties person, the maintainence of the true religion, the laws and liberties of this Kingdom, and the power and priviledge of Parliament.

8) Votes of both Houses of Parliament: with sundry articles, or acts of Parliament to confirme the same. Taken out of the records of the Tower.

9) The Humble petition of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, to the Kings most excellent Majesty. For a pacification between His Majesty and both houses.

10) Die Lune, 30.January. 1642. A declaration and ordinance of the lords and Commons assembled in Parliament.

11) The declaration of the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament. For the supressing of divers papists, and other malignant persons, in the counties of Yorke, Northumberland, Westmerland, Cumberland, Lancashire, Cheshire, the County Palatine of Dureme, and the Town of Newcastle; who have taken the oath of association against the King and Parliament.

12) A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. For the raising of all power and force as well trained bands as others, inseverall Counties of this Kingdome, to lead against all traitors, and their adherents, and them to arrest, and imprison, and to fight with, kill, and slay all such as oppose any of his Majesties loving subjects, that shall be imployed in this service, by either of both Houses of Parliament.

13) His Majesties answer to the XIX. Propositions of both Houses of Parliament.

14) The Kings Majesties propositions to the Gentry and commanalaty of Nottingham. Who according to His Majesties command made their appearance neere unto the Citie of Nottingham. With the answer of the Gentry to the Kings Majesties propositions, declaring their full resolution concerning the standard, very fit and necerssary to be published.

15) The Kings Majesties letter to the Lord Willoughby, of Parham, June the fourth, with his Lordships answer thereunto. Together with a letter sent by the Lord Willoughby, to an Honourable Member of Parliament. Read at a Conference between both Houses this eighth of June, 1642.

16) A Replication of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, to his Majesties last answer, sent by the Right Honorable the Earle of Holland.

17) A Declaration and Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the associating of the feverall counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Cambridge, Isle of Ely, Hertford, and the county of the City of Norwich, for the mutual defence and preservation of themselves from the rapines, plundrings, and spoylings of Papists, and other ill affected persons, who have combined, and raised great force of horse and foot, to destroy multitides of His Majesties subjects.

18) His Majesties answer by way of declaration to a printed paper, entitled 'A declaration of both Houses of Parliament, in answer to His Majesties last message concerning the militia.

19) No title and pages 9-14 only.

20) The Lord George Digbies apologie for himselfe. Published the fourth of January Anno Dom. 1642.

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Civil War Tracts