Artificial Administration File. CAFD papers and articles

Reference No:
U DAF/1/27
Includes a copy of the Council for Academic Freedom and Democracy (CAFD) Birmingham Branch Second Submission to the Grimond Review Body; a speech made by the Chairman (Professor John Griffith) to the AGM of CAFD (11 Nov 1972); copies of CAFD press releases; a copy of a paper by John Griffiths beginning 'Until a few years ago, the authorities in the universities were unchallenged'; a paper entitled 'Lancaster University: The Craig Affair and Others'; a paper entitled 'Rhodes Resignation'; a paper entitled 'Belated Hornsey Victory'; a paper entitled 'Students in Action'; a paper beginning 'In the field of civil liberties, eternal vigilance is not enough'; a paper entitled 'The Ostergaard - Ferns Case at Birmingham University and the problem of academic references' by John Griffiths; a paper entitled 'The Atkinson Affair'; a paper entitled 'Action for Academic Freedom at Birmingham University', and a copy of a paper beginning 'Why should any body be accountable to any other body?'.
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Hull University Archives
Records of the Council for Academic Freedom and Democracy