General correspondence, A - L

Reference No:
U DAR/2/51
1965 - 1966

Correspondents include:

Anglo-French Colloquium; Affiliations correspondence (Subs. only): Authors, Society of, 1953, 1963 and 1964, Bromley Little Theatre 1964, Bulgaria, Society forFriendship with, 1964, Communist Party History Group 1963, Durrant's Press Cuttings 1962 - 1965, Historical Association 1965, 'History Today' 1966, London Library 1955 and 1959, Labour History, Society for the Study of,1963, Movement for ColonialFreedom 1963 - 1965, National Trust 1962, 'Past and Present' 1961, 1962, 1964 and 1965, Protection of Ancient Buildings, Society for the, 1954 - 64, Scottish History, Department of, 1965, S.C.R. 1962, Shaw Society 1961 - 63, Scribes and Illuminators, Society for, 1964 - 65; Ainley, Ted; Alexander, Bill; Alpert, Rose; Aprahamian,Francis; Apter, Rose; Army & Navy Stores (purchase of stationery); Arundel, Honor; Authors, Society of; Ayling, RF

British - SovietFriendship Society; Bacharach, Mrs. AL; Bass,Freeman; Bassett, M; Bell, P; Bing, Geoffrey, QC; Britain - ChinaFriendship Association; British Council; Brown, A; Bryan, D; Bush, A; Bunger, S; Burhop, EH

Carpenter, Luther; Challinor, Raymond; Charlesworth,Jack; Childs, Dick; Clarke, Margaret; Cousins, Mr and MrsJA; Cowan, Mrs.Joan; Curtis, Gerry, Zelda, Susan

'DataJournal'; Daniel, Dr. Glyn; Davies, Mrs. Nancy; Driver, Gladys; Dunn, Mr. and Mrs.J; Durant, Ina and Lionel

Eastwood,Fred and Pat; Elder, Alderman T; Evans, Bernard; Evans, Glyn; Ewen, Rev. WilliamFFalber, Helen;Fergusson, Aitken;Ferrie, William;Fisher, Drs. Ida and Michael;Fitzsimons andFlinn, Misses;Foreman, Hilda;Francis, Harry;Francis, Hywel

Gabriel,Joan; Galloway,Fare; Garside, WR; Gaster,Jack; Gibson, Mary; Glading, Percy; Glasgow University; Gollan,John; Goodfellow, Dave; Greaves, Desmond; Green, Horace (N.E. District C.P.); Greenfield, RI; Gwyther, Rev. CE

Historical Association 1966 - 67; Handford, Mrs; Harben, HD; Harrison, Royden; Hart, Mrs. D'Arcy; Heward, Noel A; Hicks, Bill; Hill, Mavis; Hobsbawm, Dr. EJ; Horner, Vol; Holder & Sons (Binding); Horrabin, Mrs. Winifred; Hutchins, SGJJackson,Frank 1963 - 66;Jackson, GE;James, Graham;Jones, Ron;Judge, AR

Kay, Ann andJohn; Kelvin, Prof. Norman; Kettle, Margaret; Kimura, M; Klugman,James; Kocmanovar,Jessie

Lambert, David; Lang, Dr. Robert; Lawther, Steve; Letts, Charles & Co. Ltd; Loeffler, Mrs. Sabine; Lewis, Mr. Morven; Lindsay,Jack; London Transport; London Zoo (Fellows Restaurant)

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Records of Robin Page Arnot