File. Police. Right of search

Reference No:
U DCL/8/10

12 different cases of police searches, interrogation and confiscated belongings against left-wing or people thought to be left-leaning, that are challenged by subjects as wrongful or unlawful and the NCCL (National Council for Civil Liberties) legal department supports these claims. NCCL working with solicitor Mr W. H. Thompson on a number of cases (I, . Many items are withheld by police for over a month and without a written inventory to the owner which goes against Regulation 94. NCCL seeking proof and justification of the right of search by police.

The different subjects of the cases are:

a) Mr S. L. Winn: letter from the NCCL to the Hertford Police to seek what the justification was for the search of his home and to return his belongings. Handwritten letter from Mr Winn explaining he has been fired by his employer after enquiries were made by police. (02/1941)

b) Mr Arthur Burns: house search and property confiscated and not returned. Internal letter from NCCL Secretary of Manchester Liberty Brand to the secretary of the Legal Department about Mr Burns and Mr Bulman, with copies of their statements enclosed. (02/1941)

c) Mr C. H. Bulman: house searched, property confiscated and housemates interrogated. Charge considered against him so can only follow up on questioning the interrogation that took place and not the confiscation of his items. (13/12/1940 to 02/1941)

d) Mr J. Pendleton and three others, Mr Gamblin, Mr Pettitt and Mr Bell, petitioning for better air raid shelters in Wimbledon. Canvassing with three other men. Detained by police at the police station and their pamphlets and petition were confiscated. Letter from Legal department to Thompson about the case and new Regulations pertaining to police confiscations. Thompson argues conduct was unlawful and Pendleton was wrongfully detained in letter to police Commissioner. (10/1940 to 12/1940)

e) Mrs Kirk: mentioned how property was confiscated against Regulation 94 in two letters between Mr Thompson and the legal department. (02/12/1940)

f) Mr F. O'Hanlon and a number of left-wing members of his community were subjected to searches or interrogations. Their belongings confiscated but no charges brought against them. O'Hanlon correspondence with the NCCL. Drafts of replies to the police for feedback from NCCL. (29/10/1940 to 04/11/1940)

g) Mr Bolton was interviewed by police at his place of work, with Chief Engineer, for various acts of sabotage in the glass works. Bolton wants written confirmation that he is not under suspicion from his employer as he denied the allegations and provided sufficient alibi. Letters from legal department to his employer. Handwritten notes pertaining to the case with dates when suspected sabotage occurred. (10/1939)

h) Mr J. H. Burrell and wife: house searched explained in handwritten letter from the clients. Letters from the legal department to the Home Secretary and Chief Constable of Hertford asking what justification the police had in search and confiscating property. (23/09/1940 to 14/10/1940)

i) Mr S. Frances: Letters from Legal Department to Commissioner of Police to explain under what justification the searches and interrogations took place. Transcribed events from 30/10/1940 by client. (06/11/1940)

j) Mrs Jose Kirk: large search and seizure of property at her home with no inventory given by police. Letters between Mr Thompson and Chief Constable of Reading. Letters between Mr Thompson and Home Secretary back and forth with no real explanation or admission of unlawful practice. Two copies of these correspondence. (13/08/1940 to 11/11/1940)

k) Mr George Keel, informed about by Bob Edwards. Letter from Fenner Brockway, Political Secretary of Independent Labour Party, National Administrative Council to James Maxton, M. P. (08/1940)

l) Dr Kathleen Rutherford: - Harrogate. Letters from Thompson to police and to Home Secretary's office searching for reason for search and confiscation of her belongings and literature. (20/06/1940 to 12/11/1940)

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Records of Liberty (formerly The National Council for Civil Liberties)