File. Police. Individual cases

Reference No:
U DCL/9/3

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a) Police v. Carnell and Bonnington (27 Mar 1935). Includes related press cutting; letter R. M'Kie esquire to NCCL regarding Blackshirt assaults at Mosely meeting on 1 Nov 1933 (8 Mar 1935); letter NCCL to R. M'Kie esquire, denies Blackshirt Mosley meeting on 1 Nov 1933 and encloses declaration of their activities (28 Mar 1935); letter NCCL to R. M'Kie esquire, enquires if M'Kie has questioned the Home Secretary regarding the case, NCCL will publish annual report and balance sheet including special section dealing with police action (18 Apr 1935).

b) Police v. Duffield (n.d.). Includes letter P. Duffield to Editor of The West Sussex County Times, regarding police officers taking a plaster case of a footprint in Duffield's garden (2 Mar 1935), forwarded by NCCL.

c) Typed copy letters to the Justices at West Ham Court, regarding if the public gallery is open to the public (21 Feb 1935)

d) National Unemployed Workers Movement letter from Maud Brown in response to Gorseinon branch (11 Sep 1935)

e) D. S. Macdiarmd Glasgow Police report, given to NCCL cross examining unlawful police entry into a premises without a warrant (14 Feb 1935)

f) Three letters regarding Thomas v. Sawkins between Ronald Kidd and H. I. Griffiths (Sep 1935)

g) Three letters regarding Rex v. Lamb. Includes W. M. Lamb police statement regarding unlawful police entry into his property without a warrant (1936); case forwarded to NCCL by Carol Morrison (5 May 1936); letter Ronald Kidd esquire to Glanville Brown esquire discussing how a large number of cases have taken place at Scottish Courts regarding unlawful police entry onto a premises (6 May 1936)

h) Two letters responding to misalliances (n.d.)

i) G. T. Bell esquire appeal to NCCL (6 Jul 1935), unsuccessful appeal to the council regarding police assualt (11 Jul 1935)

j) Oram and Slater v. Police appeal (26 Oct 1934). Includes letter London Metropolitan Solicitor to H. R. H. Slater instructing £35 to be paid in seven days (9 Sep 1935); £35 bill forwarded to NCCL; three copies of a letter Ronald Kidd esquire stating H. R. H. esquire should inform the solicitor that he is poor and unemployed (14 Sep 1935); letter Ronald Kidd esquire to Herbert Oppenheimer, Nathan, Vandyk and Mackay Solicitors stating Slater is responsible for the fine, no NCCL (17 Sep 1935); letter Metropolitan Police Solicitor granting H. R. H. Slater esquire a month extension for paying the fine (16 Sep 1935); letter Ronald Kidd esquire to R. W. Mackay esquire stating H. R. H. Slater has appealed against NCCL advice and refusing to pay the fine (24 Sep 1935); four letters regarding Slater v. Police case and its resemblance to Oram v. Police (Sep 1935).

k) Fairchild case (1935). Includes handwritten letter W. Howard Fairchild to NCCL regarding a police stop whilst driving (26 Oct 1935); letter Ronald Kidd esquire to W. Howard Fairchild explaining his case does not uphold civil liberties and NCCL are limited to financial resources (5 Nov 1935).

l) Two misalliance letters regarding the Scotland Yard Information Room (Oct 1935)

m) Handwritten note on Dec 1935 calendar regarding assault case (n.d.)

n) Copy. National Unemployed Workers Movement (NUWM), Gorseinon Branch letter (9 Sep 1935), relating to a police inspector and sergeant approaching a group of men outside the Labour Exchange on 23 Aug 1935).

o) Misalliance letter regarding copies of chair statements of the pacifist literature at Duxford and Mildenhall and witness statements for C. Hughes in Brighton (29 Jul 1935).

p) Handwritten letter Louis Ambler esquire to NCCL regarding two unlawful Police acts against him in Halifax (16 Jun 1936), and letter to Louis Ambler stating NCCL will check the police pffers from repeating their actions (21 Jul 1936).

q) Two Case reports, R. G. Brown (Jul 1936), and handwritten letter R. G. Brown to NCCL regarding being blacklisted as a agitator by the Labour Exchange, Police and Poor Relief authorities (9 Jul 1936).

r) Albert Burford mental deterioration at Brixton prison (Dec 1935). Includes handwritten note asking NCCL if Albert Burford has been moved from Wormwood Scrubs to Brixton Prison (n.d.); letter NCCL to Probation Officer at West London Police Court asking if Albert Burford has been moved prisons (13 Dec 1935).

s) Raymond Victor Gibbs firearm police case (1935). Includes letter National Unemployed Workers Movement to NCCL regarding comrade Gibbs being fined due to unlicensed firearm (30 Aug 1935); letter Ronald Kidd esquire to Geo. Kenward esquire regarding Poor Person's Lawyer advising Gibbs to appeal the fine (6 Sep 1935); letter Geo. Kenward to NCCL thanking NCCL for their help (9 Sep 1935); and two related press cuttings (n.d., 23 Aug 1935).

t) P. F. v. Thomson case (1935-1936). Includes four copies of P. F. v. Thomson Edinburgh summons report regarding police patrol following Thomson's car from Fairmilehead to King's Theatre Edinburgh (n.d.); Edinburgh School of Natural Therapeutics correspondence regarding the case (15 Oct 1935); two appeal reports by James C. Thomson regarding Mr Spens Scottish Secretary of the Automobile Association helping the case stating Thomson was in a dangerous position (22 Oct 1935); letter NCCL to Norman Wiggans esquire stating Thomson case is a prima facie (25 Oct 1935); letter NCCL to Glanville Brown esquire regarding Thomson case (25 Oct 1935); three related press cuttings (Feb 1936); eight letters regarding the case outcome (Feb 1936); copy of driving offence appeal by James C. Thomson (2 Feb 1936).

u) Collection of press cutting, letters and reports regarding Metropolitan Police abuse and police numbers. Includes House of Commons oral answers, Mr Bellenger and Sir J. Smith discussing Metropolitan Police strength (n.d.); press cutting relating to Metropolitan Radical Federation and police abuse towards Burns and Graham in 1887 (4 Apr 1936); letter to J. H. Jagger esquire MP regarding treatment of persons detained at police stations and medical assistance from Ronald Kidd esquire.

v) Misalliance handwritten note, no address, Whitehall Court headed paper (19 Jan 1932).

w) Wilfred Evans case against Caephilly police (Sep 1929). Includes letter Wilfred Evans to Ronald Kidd esquire asking for help from NCCL (29 Sep 1935); five other letters, related press cutting and envelope (1932-1935).

x) Two handwritten letters, a note, pamphlet, and newspaper cutting regarding administration of NCCL, and unlawful police activities in Belfast, Swansea and Bootle (1935-1936).

y) Two misalliance letters, handwritten note, and pamphlet (1935-1936). Includes pamphlet entitled 'Appeal for the Amendment of the Vagrancy Act Clauses Dealing with Psychics' (n.d.); letter Ronald Kidd esquire to R. S. W. Pollard esquire regarding clauses for a draft Bill for the Ulster Police to debate with a Mock Parliament for students at LSE (21 Feb 1936); handwritten note to Ronald Kidd esquire congratulating NCCL (14 Apr 1935); letter Ronald Kidd esquire to Editor of The British Weekly regarding a Police Methods pamphlet not being included in the newspaper due to administration error (9 Jun 1936).

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a) 2 handwritten letters, 2 letters and note regarding suspected person Moore (Sep [1936]). Includes note written on letter regarding an appointment at Piccadilly (17 Sep [1936]); letter from Moore stating they were being charged with loitering with intent to commit a felony; letter Ronald Kidd to E. S. Watkins thanking him for interviewing Moore; letter Ronald Kidd to Lycett Green thanking him for his defence of Moore (28 Sep 1936).

b) Empty envelope addressed to M. Harding esquire, 10 Lady May House, SE15 (9 Sep 1936).

c) Rex v. Macfarlane case (1936). Includes letter Appelbe and Morrison Solicitors to Mr Kidd stating the case has been dismissed (15 Sep 1936); letter from Appelbe and Morrison Solicitors to Mr Kidd thanking him for correspondence (16 Sep 1936); letter Joint Honorary Treasurer to M. Macfarlane esquire enclosing precis of case and Macfarlane arrest at Camberwell Labour Exchange (1 Oct 1936); two copies of Macfarlane court account of arrest and magistrates' decision (n.d.); letter Geo. House (Constructional Engineering Union) to M. Macfarlane stating NCCL needs support and if Macfarlane would be an advocate in their journal (28 Sep 1936); letter Ronald Kidd to Miss Martin (Appelbe and Morrison Solicitors) thanking them for interviewing Macfarlane and witness Norman Wiggins (15 Sep 1936); two copies of Macfarlane charges and arrest at Camberwell Labour Exchange statement (n.d.); two copies of Report of Proceedings at Lambeth Police Court (12 Sep 1936); two copies of evidence given by PC L375 against Macfarlane (4 Sep 1936); diagram of Labour Exchange with Basin Road and Peckham High Street (n.d.); letter Ronald Kidd to Charles Sawyer esquire asking him to act as witness for Macfarlane (9 Sep 1936); letter SCS to Norman E. Wiggins esquire enclosing statements of Macfarlane case (10 Sep 1936); letter Macfarlane to South London Press Editor asking them to correct their statement in newspaper about the case (15 Sep 1936); letter Ronald Kidd to M. Harding esquire asking Harding to attend Lambeth Police Court to act as witness for Macfarlane (9 Sep 1936); report of proceedings at Lambeth Police Court (12 Sep 1936); letter Ronald Kidd to Norman Wiggins esquire thanking him for his work on Macfarlane case (15 Sep 1936).

d) A. Salisbury and J. Price cases (1936). Includes handwritten note with Salisbury and Price addresses (n.d.); letter Adler and Perowne to R. Kidd esquire stating both A. Salisbury and J. Price stating the cases were dismissed due to their previous convictions (9 Oct 1936); letter R. Kidd to Adler and Perowne thanking the solicitors for their work on both cases (13 Oct 1936); letter R. Kidd to Frank Whitworth passing on thanks from Alfred Salisbury in Pentonville Prison (26 Oct 1936); handwritten letter Alfred Salisbury to Ronald Kidd thanking NCCL for their help and maintaining his innocence (19 Oct 1936); notes of evidence taken at Thames Police Court (27 Aug 1936); letter Stepney NUWM to Ronald Kidd esquire enclosing copy of omitted evidence (14 Sep 1936); letter Stepney NUWM to Ronald Kidd stating Salisbury out of prison (14 Sep 1936); press cutting of Michael Sullivan and Edward Warman 'Limehouse Youths Remanded' (5 Sep 1936); press cutting of magistrates remark to Edward Kitchener Carter, 'You've only got yourself to blame' (n.d.); letter Ronald Kidd esquire to Frank Whitworth esquire enclosing a statement from Alfred Salisbury (11 Sep 1936); letter Adler and Perowne to Ronald Kidd esquire stating the Salisbury case could be appealed (21 Sep 1936); letter Ronald Kidd esquire to Adler and Perowne appealing for Alfred Salisbury to appeal as a Poor person (22 Sep 1936); handwritten omitted evidence (n.d.); Alfred Salisbury evidence (n.d.); handwritten letter Alfred Salisbury to Ronald Kidd (10 Sep 1936); letter Ronald Kidd to Alfred Salisbury thanking him for newspaper cutting and Kidd will be submitting Salisbury statement to lawyer (11 Sep 1936); copy of Alfred Salisbury evidence against him (9 Sep 1936); handwritten Alfred Salisbury evidence against him (9 Sep 1936); handwritten letter Reverend Kenneth Boggis to Ronald Kidd esquire asking if NCCL can help Alfred Salisbury case (24 Aug 1936) with reply (25 Aug 1936); handwritten note stating Alfred Salisbury was at the Boot Repairing Shop (n.d.).

e) Handwritten letter A. Musy to NCCL asking for compensation for his suspected person case from 1913, with response from Ronald Kidd esquire stating the case is too old to claim compensation (Oct 1936).

f) Letter New Scotland Yard to NCCL stating the police officers carried out their duties lawfully, with reply Ronald Kidd to G. J. Winter enclosing New Scotland Yard letter asking if Winters knows which case if referred in the enclosed letter (Oct 1936).

g) Letter Ronald Kidd esquire to the commissioner of the city of London police enquiring about the reservation of pitches (4 Oct 1936).

h) Handwritten note with cases and meeting times (n.d.).

i) Five letters between Anne Kelli, Kilburn Times and NCCL regarding London police (Sep 1936).

j) Three copies of News Chronicle reports of Mr Dummett, the Bow Street Magistrate stating the police had acted out a ‘monstrous farce’ in regards to a police identification parade (16 Sep 1936).

k) Three letters between A. Scott. Dorrien of St Peter’s Kitchens: The Mission of the Poor and Ronald Kidd esuire regarding a meeting and case discussion (Sep 1936).

l) Handwritten note with various cases, notes and dates (n.d.).

m) Three copies of NCCL letter and three copies of a police action report regarding a fascist meeting and Kilburn Police Station (Sep 1936).

n) Handwritten letter, with diagram, G. Bolton and George Speed to NCCL (Sep 1936).

o) Three misalliance letters regarding George Speed, Diamond, and David Freeman case (Sep 1936).

p) Handwritten letter to Ronald Kidd (3 Sep 1936).

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a) Handwritten note with various cases, and dates (n.d.).

b) Two letters regarding Blackshirt assault and Mr Kline of Leeds (Sep 1936).

c) Nine letters and two police reports of Mrs Urquhart case for obstructing the free passage of the footway (1936-1937).

d) Letter regarding Mrs Neri case and whitewashing (12 Dec 1936).

e) Letter and two copies of Hackney Citizens Council, an anti-fascist organisation, reports and ticket regarding Hackney Citizen Council case of abusing a Red Cross armlet and causing noise in public space.

f) Correspondence between G. T. Rhys and Ronald Kidd. Kidd advises Rhys to await if further difficulties arise from the police officer (Aug 1937).

g) Four handwritten notes and letters, and two letters regarding case of A. E. Wise (1936-1937).

h) Correspondence between E. C. Williment and Ronald Kidd. Kidd advises Williment to not let the aggressor go the police first (Jun 1937).

i) Two letters regarding Mrs Neri case. Misalliance (Nov-Dec 1937).

j) Two copies of suspected person case report of Samuel Goldstein and Judah Miller and handwritten case report (n.d.).

k) Fourteen letters, a bank statement and police report regarding case of H. Schiner (1937).

l) Two misalliance letters regarding case of Mr and Mrs Butcher (1937).

m) Seven letters regarding case of Mrs Lowick and warrant (1937).

n) Administrative papers, notes and misalliance correspondence regarding dates, various cases, and events.

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Records of Liberty (formerly The National Council for Civil Liberties)