Copy. Bargain and Sale

Reference No:
U DCM/1/9
28 Dec 1773
Richard Beatniffe esquire and James Smith, gentleman, both of Hull and William Iveson of Hedon, gentleman (commissioners in bankruptcy of Thomas Lee senior and junior of Hull, merchants) to Henry Etherington of Hull and John Booth of Riplingham esquires in trust. Five messuages lately erected by Thomas Lee senior on a garden up an entry on the East side of the Butchery; five messuages on West side of an alley from Blankett Row to Back Ropery near Hessle Gate (Town Walls W), five messuages lately erected by Thomas Lee senior and two parcels of ground on East side of same alley, and four messuages and a granary on West side of same alley; two messuages in or near the Fryers or Fish Shambles; three new built messuages and garth in or near the Butchery all in Hull (tenants named). Tilery Close in Newland, parish of Cottingham with brick and tile kilns. Close in Stoneferry (R Hull W.; Stoneferry Common E.). Close in the Igglemire (turnpike road E. and S.); bank called Five Barkery and close in the Common, all in Cottingham. Messuage on East side of High Street, two messuages on East side of the Butchery, and two messuages in the Back Ropery in Hull.
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Papers of the Ringrose Family of Cottingham