General correspondence

Reference No:
U DDB/2/5
Comprises correspondence to and from a variety of authors including Geological Survey of Great Britain, Yorkshire Geological Society, British Museum, Public Record Office, Bodleian Library, Spurn Management Committee (SMC), Yorkshire Naturalists' Trust and various individuals. Relates to a range of topics including advice and information, visits to repositories and museums, reproduction of images and SMC matters (see also U DDB/4/3).
3 files
Access Conditions:
Some material in this series contains personal or sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years. This is in accordance with Section 1 (Principles 1, 2 and 7) of the Data Protection Act 1998. Access will be granted to any accredited reader, except for those items containing information on named individuals which may be restricted in accordance with the Data Protection Act. To consult these records please see the 'Closure Guidelines' available on the Hull History Centre website.
Hull University Archives
Papers of George de Boer