Agreement for Sale

Reference No:
U DDBA2/6/77
14 Jan 1720
For £3000: Eleanor Washington, widow of Henry W. of Cockham, Berkshire, esquire, and his eldest son and heir Richard W. of Staples Inn, gentleman, to John Idell, of South Cave, gentleman. Manor of South Cave East Hall, with the East Hall, with six closes called the Flatts, Cony Croft, Kellcroft, Jarratts Close, 3 Fresh Ings, 16 Oxgangs with the Odd Lands, the Park, Twenty Acres, Goose Crofts, 29ac. in the Common Ings, Beck Acre, Weedley Wood (20ac.), 15 cottages with crofts and tofts, tolls of fairs and markets, £1.15.8d. rents and 6 horse-gates on the Sands: Witnesses Charles Bowles, Cha. Mein.
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Hull University Archives
Papers of the Barnard Family of South Cave