Bargain and Sale: for £2,700: Francis Baxter of Sharphill gent., his son and heir John, and Marmaduke Baxter of Carsewell, co. Staffs., gent and wife Dorothie to William Wentworth of Wentworth Woodhouse esq.

Reference No:
U DDCA2/15/18
26 Jun 1610
Capital messuage called Sharphill with a kiln and dovehouse in Langarick, with closes called Durham Closes, Pullen Close, Vicarbridge Close, Maw Ridding, Westwood and all the carrs belonging to the premises, Townend Close, Newe Close, Oxe Close, Newe Riddinges, Bothomes Olde Riddinges, 2 Jobb Riddinges, Bothomes Norwood Closes, Long Padmore Flattes, Cowe Close and Cowe Garthes, Bitcheman Fielde, the arable ground in Langaricke Field (38ac.), 2 Laine Houses with crofts and closes, the Sandes, the Groves otherwise called Sybregarthes, their part of the Grenes and a garth, tithes of par. Howden on the S. and S.W. side of R. Ouse, tenement at Langarick Gotehead, 3 Middle Feildes, Minster Close, their part of the Padmore, and meadow in Dunpoole, tithe hay of Langarick and Woodhowses, cottage and close in Langarick, Langarick Garth, a windmill and 2 lands in Mill Field, rent of 12p. from Frear Farm, a fishing in R. Ouse called the signe draught, in Langarick, Drax, Woodhouses; Lanehowses and Howden. The Sandes (8ac.) in Howden, sometime belonging to Drax Priory. Close in Norwood. Herbage of a bank or lane from the gate near late priory of Drax called Langaricke Ing to the end of Grisegarth. Chanon Croft at Laine Howse. Orchard and 2 closes near R. Ouse called Sibre Garthes. 4ac., parcel of the Kinges Landes. Close in Jupp Ridding. 5ac. in Norwood. Tithes of hay in Langrack. Fishing in R. Ouse called the seyne draughte near Burwell in par. Howden. 3ac. called Cowe Close and Thusey in Lanehowse. Messuage and lands in Langerake. Parcel called the Grene and 23 1/2ac. Yearly rent of 2s.6d. and free passage over Armin Ferry. Specified land in Cowe Close, New Riddinges, Langrake Inges, Doughty Close, Medley Close, Denefeild, Town Flat, Dunpole, Viccarbridge Close, Newe Close, Pulleine Close and Norwoodes: Witn. John Carville, Greg. Armytage, Peirse Man, Jerom Bennett, Tho. Clarke, Renate Smith, John Dighton, Charles Belton, Epiphanie Baxter, Andrew Blackatter, Mar. Machell.
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Papers of the Stapleton (incorporating Errington and Tempest) Family, Lords Beaumont, of Carlton Towers