Lease for 1000 years: Anthony Mitford of Pontylande esq. to Robert Hallyman of Lumley yeoman, Christopher Morpeth of Newcastle on Tyne merchant, Richard Read of Lumley and Robert Morpeth of Stillington yeomen.

Reference No:
U DDCA2/43/13
10 Jan 1569

Manor of Pontyland with lands called Midle Crawlie, East Crawlie, West Crawlie and the Roodes, and a windmill in Midle Crawlie called Crawlie Windmill; town or lordship of Pontyland; 3 messuages in Litle Iland Grein and Pontyland watermill. A burgage in Newcastle. A tenement in Newham. 2 cottages in Mitford. Lands in Mersfen: Rendering a red rose at feast of St. John Baptist.

Witn. Robert Mydleton, Lawrens Thornton, Gerrat Heron, John Heron, Robert Haull, Gawene Edname, Edward Sharp, Robert Houborn, Robert Lawson Umfrey Houborn, Willm. Ruch, George Ruch, John Bouden, Willm. Wayles, Benet Chertesye town clerk of Newcastle.

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Papers of the Stapleton (incorporating Errington and Tempest) Family, Lords Beaumont, of Carlton Towers