Gift. Amand Surdevale to Peter son of William de Frothingham.

Reference No:
U DDCV/154/3
21 Jul 1308

2 parts of the manor of Frothingham; the moiety of an oxgang in Neusum; and 2 parts of 3 tofts and 2 oxgangs in Frismerasco, and the reversion of dower in those places held by Peter's mother. 8s. rent from Peter ad Mare and his wife Margery for a toft in Frismerasco held for their lives, with the reversion thereof and of whatever else the donor has in that town (reserving a place of land called Bryndhallecrofte, and the site of a sheepfold with an adjacent selion which Richard de Wyles sometime held, together with the common way of Frismarays as far as Lokedam). Homage and service of Thomas de Poynton and 13s.4d. rent, for 3 oxgangs in Fraystorp --: For life of Peter, with remainder to his son Amand (by his wife Mabilla daughter of A.S.)

Witn. Sir John de Sutton, Sir Simon de Gousille, Sir John de Rysum, Robert de Constable, Ralph de Belle, Simon de Lunde, Ralph de Sancto Martino, John de Wellewyk, William de Esthouse, Simon Herre clerk. Given at Frothingham, Sun. before St. James apostle 1308. Seal, detached, illegible.

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Papers of Crust Todd and Mills, Solicitors, of Beverley