'Miscellaneous Deeds and Papers', compiled by Gillyat Sumner, 1850 [MISSING]

Reference No:
U DDCV/204/85

'Miscellaneous Deeds and Papers', compiled by Gillyat Sumner, 1850

204/85A 1406 - 1850

'Miscellaneous deeds and papers'.

(A) Derbyshire

(A1) Bargain & Sale: Adam Bagshaw of Wormehill co. Derby to Francis Heathcote of Taxall co. Chester gents.:-- 2 inclosures (123ac.) in the overend of Greenelaire, on the N. side of Bathomgate --: Witn. Tho. Statham, Mich. Burton, Robt. Oldfield, 27 March 1693

(B) Kent

(B1) Extracts from registers and epitaph at Orpington:-- Gee family --: 1702 - 1786

(C) Lincolnshire

(C1) List of freemen of Grimsby, 1845

(C2-4) Letter: Laurentius Martell, Grimsby, to Gillyat Sumner:-- asking for loan of £400 on mortgage of 8 houses in Grimsby --: With copy of refusal by G.S., 20 April 1849 and 24 April 1849

(C5) Handbill. 'A Grand Tea Festival to celebrate the passing of the Grimsby Corporation and Freemen's Arrangement Act', 28 June 1849

(C6) Map of the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railways and connecting lines, circa 1850

(C7) Time and Fare Tables. Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway, 1 May 1850

(C16-21) Handbills. New Holland horse boat (to Hull) . (6), 2 November 1832

(C22-45) Schedules of title deeds, correspondence, account, etc. relating to a mortgage of estate at Wrawby mortgaged by Joseph Driffill of Hull innholder to Gillyat Sumner for £40, on which default was made in repayment. Including cards advertising the Union Tavern and Chop House, 17 Bishop Lane, Hull, 1835 - 1846

(D) Norfolk

(D1) Statutes and Orders for Holt Grammar School. Printed. Includes catalogue of books, 1809

(E) Northumberland

(E1) Abstract of charter granted to Newcastle upon Tyne by Queen Elizabeth I, 22 March 1599/1600

(F) Yorkshire

(F1) Copy. 'Forma tradendi corpus Regis ad sepulturam' (Preparation of King's body for burial), 1406

(F2) Copy. 'Supposed to be part of York register', 1718 - 1747

(F3-4) Note. Mr. W. Dade, being ill, requests the assistance of Mr. G. Wolley at Castlegate church. With copy. Not dated

(F5) Abstracts of Wills

(a) Robert Thorpe of Anlaby, 28 April 1559

(b) Peter Hogg of Beverley, 12 June 1560

(c) Hew Crake of Huggate, 8 March 1559/60

(F6) Extract from Baker's 'History of the County of Northampton' relating to Rev. John Oxenbridge, sometime 'pastor of Beverley', (1608 - 1674)

(F7) List of baptisms, marriages and burials:-- Crompton family --: 1612 - 1698

(F8) Copy. Headings of registers of St. Mary's, Beverley, 1680 - 1687

(F9-18) Act for lighting, watching and regulating the streets in Beverley, 1808

(F19) Sale Bill:-- 2 houses near Beverley railway station, 13 May 1850

(F20) Note:-- Mr. T. Shepherd called on Mr. Sumner, 21 March 1849

(F21-25) Copy. Inquisition post mortem. Sir Richard Hastynges:-- Allerston. Sledmere. Woodhall in Beverley. Sutton in Holderness. Bewick in Aldbrough. Farnehamby (Farmonby) . Ellerburn --: Heir, brother Leonard. Died 10 September 1436. 16 October 1436

(F26) List of East Riding place names. (From MSS. of Dr. Burton?), not dated

(F27) Bill of Sale:-- house and land at Beeford, 6 September 1849

(F28) Rough memoranda relating to (13th century) suits concerning (inter alia) the advowson of Cottingham, and a debt of £300 from Bridlington Priory to Bonamy, an exiled Jew of York, bought by the Archbishop of York, (19th century)

(F29) Note of (pedigrees in Baker's 'History of the County of Northampton'?):-- Stutevile, Albemarle, Roos, Gaunt, Fauconberg, Hastings, (19th century)

(F30) Extract from Charity Commissioners' Report:-- Dunnington (York) --: With comments, (19th century)

(F31) Notes:-- Flamborough Head. Arms of Melton and Lucy, (19th century)

(F32) Note:-- births of children of Christopher Watson at Ferriby --: (1722 - 1730)

(F33) Note:-- grant of 11 oxgangs in Flotmanby to Bridlington Priory (1251) --: (19th century)

(F34) Note of Inquisition post mortem: Thomas de Boynton:-- capital messuage called Castle Gate, and lands in Hunmanby (not dated) --: (19th century)

(F35) Notice:- persons damaging drains and bridges in Keyingham Level will be prosecuted, 12 November 1849

(F36) Blank form of Notice:- Keyingham Level Drainage tax, not dated

(F37) Notice inviting tenders for bottoming Keyingham Drain, 25 March 1850

(F38) Note of grants of land in Kilham, from cartulary of Bridlington Priory (13th century?) . (19th century)

(F39) Note of Will of William Lutton of Lutton (24 September 1457) . (19th century)

(F40) Sale Bill:-- house and land near Haven Side in Patrington --: 13 January 1849

(F41-42) Register of Electors:-- Patrington --: (2), 1849

(F43) Jury List:-- Patrington --: 1849

(F44) Jury List:-- Paull --: circa 1849

(F45) Sale Bill:-- 2 fields at Preston --: 21 January 1850

(F46) Copy. List of provisions when Henry VIII dined at Sir Ralph Ellerker's house at Risby (12 September 1541), (19th century)

(F47) Pedigree of Bethell of Rise, 16th century - 1782

(F48) Note:-- Bethell family (Hugh) . (1651 - 1734) --: (19th century)

(F49) Note of a tomb in Rousby chapel, (19th century)

(F50) Note:-- fee farm rents in Tranby (1693) --: (19th century)

(F51) Pedigree of Butler of Walkington, (17th - 18th centuries)

(F52-54) Blank form of Notice of meeting of Winestead Level Drainage Commissioners, 18--

(F55) Statement of accounts of Wyton and Flinton Turnpike Trust, 1849

(F56) Pedigree:-- family of Robert Crompton of Sunderlandwick, who purchased the rectory of Hinderwell, 1670 --: (17th - 18th centuries)

(F57) Note:-- holdings of Aluric in Pontefract (pre Conquest), (19th century)

(F58-59) Note of Will of Sir Ralph Hastyngs. Bequests to Selby Abbey; wife Matilda; children; etc. (21 September 1397) . (19th century)

204/85B 1705 - 1850

'Deeds and Writings received from Mr. Swann. 23rd August 1850'

(1) Label

(2-3) Letter: Jno. Blythe Robinson to Gillyatt Summer:- informing him of these deeds. 17 August 1850

(4) Schedule of deeds

(5-6) Assignment: Nicholas Smith of Beverley gent. and others to Richard Empson jnr. of Beverley plumber and glazier:-- messuage on S. side of Sow Hill (being Northernmost house in the Dings) in Beverley --: 9 May 1808

(7) Grant: Matthew Empson gent. to John Holliday labourers both of Beverley:-- annuity of £12 charged on 2 messuages in the Dings in Beverley (Saturday Market W.; Smith Hill or Sow Hill N.) --: 6 April 1826

(8) Assignment: John Taylor of New Miller Dam, par. Sandall gent. to Hugh Carr jnr. of Rise gent. in trust for Matthew Empson:-- mortgage term in messuage on Sow Hill in Beverley --: 19 November 1823

(9) Probate copy of Will of James Donaldson of Beverley, maltster:-- Beverley (White Swan in Saturday Market; North Bar Street; Dog and Duck Lane) --: 9 October 1827

(10) No document

(11) Copy. Will of William Kirkus of Beverley gent.:-- Fridaythorpe. Beverley (Well Lane) . Beverley Parks --: 17 November 1830

(12) Form. Acknowledgement of a deed by Frances wife of William Plaxton, 1837

(13) Extract from Will of J(ohn) K(irkus), circa 1820

(14-18) Draft Assignment: John Smith to Matthew Empson:-- legacy under Will of John Kirkus --: 21 June 1832

(19-20) Lease: John Reed of Hull joiner to George Brigham of Beverley cabinet maker:-- messuage on E. side of Butcher Row in Beverley --: 1 January 1838

(21-25) Copy. Lease & Release and Assignment: William Monkman of Beverley miller to Ernst Von Roy of Hull merchant and others, creditors of W.M.:-- wind corn mill in Grovehill, Beverley, and personal estate --: In trust for sale for benefit of creditors. 14/15 September 1829

(26) Bill of Sale: Elizabeth Waterhouse of Butterwick, co. Lincoln, (later of Beverley?) widow to William Harrison of Grovehill, Beverley, ship carpenter:-- sloop 'Active of Butterwick' --: 20 March 1838

(27-35) Abstract of Title of John Wallis:-- 2 closes in Beverley Parks --: 1805 - 1819

(36) Mortgage: for £60: John Wallis oatshiller to Ann Baitson widow both of Beverley:-- close in Beverley Parks --: 16 January 1817

(37) Lease: William Ellrington butcher to John Swailes gardener both of Beverley:-- close as DDCV/204/85B (28) --: 6 April 1827

(38-40) Articles of Co partnership: William Brown of Chalk Villa, par. St. John, esq. & John Weldon gent., both of Beverley:-- as quarrymen, limeburners and farmers --: 2 April 1836

(41) Valuation of stock of Brown and Weldon (as above), 24 May 1838

(42) Lease: William Fisher of Thearne to John Robinson late of Somerby co. Lincoln farmers:-- farm with 47ac. at Thearne --: 13 February 1834

(43) Release: for £15.15s.: John Eslington labourer and wife Mary to Ester Wilson widow all of Hull:-- messuage on S. side of Mytongate, Hull --: 22 March 1705

(44-45) Lease and Release: for £20: Ann Hobson spinster to Thomas Gilderdaile mariner and Benjamin Barron baker all of Hull:-- messuage on S. side of Mytongate near Sewer Lane End (as DDCV/204/85B (43?) --: 19/20 February 1752

(46) Mortgage: for £20: Thomas Gilderdaile (as DDCV/204/85B (44) ) and wife Mary to John Westoby of Hull gent.:-- messuage as DDCV/204/85B (44) - DDCV/204/85B (45) --: 27 May 1768

(47) Lease: John Boynton of Walkington farmer to John Ford of South Dalton labourer:-- house and close at Bentley --: 26 January 1833

(48) Bargain and Sale: Robert Lambert of Atwick blacksmith to Thomas Paull of Bewholme butcher:-- west side of a garth in Bewholme --: To secure payment of an annual rent of 2s. 18 January 1717/8

(49) Bargain and Sale: for £10: John Smith of Rise yeoman and wife Mary to Peter Smith of Bonwich yeoman:-- as DDCV/204/85B (48) with cottage newly erected --: 17 February 1731/2

(50) Mortgage: for £15: Peter Smith of Bewholme yeoman to Thomas Jackson of Mappleton yeoman:-- as DDCV/204/85B (49) --: 20 February 1754

(51) Bargain and Sale: for £15: Parties and property as DDCV/204/85B (50): 7 November 1757

(52) Bargain and Sale: for £15: Mary Jackson alias Smith of Etherdwick spinster and Joseph Smith of Roulston yeoman to William Smith of Bewholme yeoman:-- as DDCV/204/85B (49) --: 5 February 1763

(53) Covenant to stand seised: William Smith as DDCV/204/85B (52) and wife Anne to King Grasby of Nunkeeling farmer:-- as DDCV/204/85B (49) --: To uses of W. & A.S. 4 February 1764

(54) Schedule of title deeds as DDCV/204/85B (48) - DDCV/204/85B (53)

(55) Mortgage: for £50: William Green to Thomas Sparrey both of Cottingham yeoman:-- 2 messuages in Hallgate in Cottingham --: 3 April 1736

(56) Assignment: Robert Briggs of Endyke Lane in Cottingham cowkeeper to Thomas Newlove of Beverley Parks farmer:-- stock in trade and personal effects --: In trust for sale, to uses of R.B. and wife Hannah. 23 March 1830

(57) Letters of Administration of estate of Thomas Marshall of Long Riston and Rise, granted to his daughter Jane, wife of Michael Hodgson of Rise, parish clerk, 10 December 1838

(58-59) Copy. Assignment: Hugh Carr of Rise to Robert Purdon of Long Riston yeoman and wife Lucy and others:-- mortgage term in 2 closes at Long Riston --: Damaged. 21 January 1839

(60-62) Acknowledgement of DDCV/204/85B (58) by Lucy Purdon and others, 2 February 1839

(63) Assignment: Timothy Jefferson of Witham grocer to trustees:-- personal estate --: In trust for creditors. 4 February 1830

(64) Certificate of baptism of Richard son of Matthew Empson, 9 August 1725

(65) (68) (72) Commissions to Matthew Empson of Hull gent. for taking oaths (3) . 25 June 1819; 11 October 1819

(66) Admission of Matthew Empson as attorney in court of King's Bench, 28 June 1819

(67) Admission of Matthew Empson as attorney in court of Common Pleas, 28 June 1819

(69) Admission of Matthew Empson as solicitor in court of Exchequer, 29 June 1819

(70) Admission of Matthew Empson as solicitor in court of Chancery, 1 July 1819

(71) Certificate of Matthew Empson taking oath of Master Extraordinary in Chancery, 3 July 1819

(73) Assignment: John Marshall bricklayer to Matthew Empson gent. both of Beverley:-- stock in trade and personal estate --: 5 May 1829

(74) Admission of Matthew Empson as attorney and solicitor in court of Bankruptcy, 15 February 1832

(75-77) Label and 2 letters from William Holden, 24 Wincomlee, Hull:-- relating to his Will? --: 28 February 1839

(78) Apprenticeship Indenture: Edward son of Mary Fenton widow of William Norris blacksmith, all of Beswick, 23 December 1837

(79) Apprenticeship Indenture: Edward Fenton, as DDCV/204/85B (78), to William Smith of North Dalton blacksmith, 20 May 1841

(80-85) Papers in James Mould Robinson v. Joseph Oliver, an action of debt, 1539 - 1840

204/85C 1100 - 1848

'Papers purchased of Frederick Strong, London'

(1) Label

(A) Lincolnshire

(A2) Lincolnshire. Map of Lincolnshire by Emmanuel Bowen, circa 1751

(A3-4) Lincolnshire. Cuttings relating to Grimsby (1340 - 1769), not dated

(A5) Lincolnshire. Strip map of the road from Nottingham to Grimsby, by John Ogilby, 1675

(A6) Lincolnshire. 'The Road from Nottingham to Grimsby'. (To accompany DDCV/204/85C (A5?), not dated

(A7-15) Lincolnshire. Extract from 'The Topographer' no. 5:-- Grimsby --: August 1828

(A16-17) Lincolnshire. Plate and relative description from 'Gentleman's Magazine':-- common seal and Mayor's seal of Grimsby --: November 1828

(A18) Lincolnshire. Plate from 'Gentleman's Magazine':-- seal of William Fitz Odo --: April 1796

(A19-26) Lincolnshire. Plans (3) and reports (3) on the Borough of Grimsby by Parliamentary Commissioners, (circa 1831 - 1835)

(A27) Lincolnshire. Plan of Lincoln, Louth and Great Grimsby Railway, post 1842

(B) (1 - 6) Yorkshire

(B1) Yorkshire. Map of Yorkshire by Herman Moll, 1724

(B2) Yorkshire. Extract from (a history of England?):-- persecution of the Jews in 1189. Reference to York. (17th century)

(B3-6) Yorkshire. Extract from 'A Critical Review of the State Trials':-- proceedings in Parliament against Alexander Nevil, Archbishop of York; Robert Vere, Duke of Ireland; Michael de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk and others (1388/9) --: (18th century)

(B) (7 - 158) East Riding

(B7) East Riding. Plan of Hunsley Beacon division (cut from a larger plan), circa 1709

(B8) East Riding. Map of the East Riding by Herman Moll, 1724

(B9-10) East Riding. Extract:-- Alredus of Beverley --: (19th century)

(B11) East Riding. Cuttings relating to Beverley (mainly obituaries) (15th century - 1823) . Not dated

(B12-17) East Riding. Extract from 'The British Plutarch':-- John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester --: (18th century)

(B18) East Riding. Strip map of the road from Lincoln to Flamborough, by John Ogilby, 1675

(B19-25) East Riding. Extract from 'To Scarborough etc.':-- Hull, Cottingham, Beverley, Leconfield, Scorborough, Beswick, Watton --: (late 18th century)

(B26) East Riding. Cuttings relating to Beverley (mainly obituaries), 1796 - 1813

(B27-31) East Riding. Extracts from 'Gentleman's Magazine':-- Beverley Minster; obituary of Mrs. Sarah Popplewell of Beverley; Kirkham Priory; Beverley (gates; Minster; St. Mary's) --: 1799 - 1806

(B32) East Riding. Cutting:-- 'Remarkable case of Frances Thompson of Beverley' convicted of forgery --: 1810

(B33-34) East Riding. Extract from 'Gentleman's Magazine':- memoirs of Dr. Henry Revell Reynolds, educated at Beverley, 1812

(B35-36) East Riding. Extract from 'Gentleman's Magazine':- letter concerning Beverley (Minster and St. Mary's), 1819

(B37-40) East Riding. Plates:- Beverley Minster and St. Mary's, 1828 - 1830

(B41-43) East Riding. Extract from Gentleman's Magazine:- Percy Tomb in Beverley Minster, 1830

(B44-49) East Riding. Plans (2) and reports (2) on the borough of Beverley by Parliamentary Commissioners, (circa 1831 - 1835)

(B50-55) East Riding. Portraits of, and article from 'The Evangelical Magazine' on Rev. George Collison (born in Beverley), 1811 - 1848

(B56) East Riding. Cuttings relating to Hull (1534 - 1848), 19th century

(B57) East Riding. Extract from 'Poetical Essays':-- epitaph of Robert Pursglove, Bishop of Hull (died 1579), 18th century

(B58-60) East Riding. Extract. 'Life of Sir John Hotham', 18th century

(B61-66) East Riding. Extract from 'The British Plutarch':- Andrew Marvell, 18th century

(B67-69) East Riding. Small views of Hull, 18th century

(B70) East Riding. Extract from 'Newgate Calendar':- John Jennings of Hull (executed for robbery of which he was innocent), 18th century

(B71) East Riding. Cuttings relating to Hull (obituaries, Holy Trinity, bribery at election, etc.), 1773 - 1847

(B72-73) East Riding. Extract from 'The Beauties of England':- Hull, Leeds (Halifax and Sheffield in part), 18th century

(B74-92) East Riding. 'Remarks on a Publication entitled 'The Case of the Merchants etc. of the Town of Kingston upon Hull' with Additions', 1787

(B93) East Riding. Printed accounts of wharfage and duties on shipping in Hull (Dock Co.), 1785 - 1786

(B94-95) East Riding. Plates:- proposed alterations for mooring ships in the old harbour in Hull, 1774

(B96) East Riding. Plan of proposed (Queen's) Dock, circa 1773

(B97-98) East Riding. Plates from Hadley's 'History of Hull':-- Charterhouse. New Workhouse --: 1788

(B99) East Riding. Cuttings (mainly from 'Gentleman's Magazine'):- Hull. (Also Owthorne, Burstall, Col. Overton, Leven, meteorology, Aldborough, Sheffield), 1787 - 1844

(B100) East Riding. Extract:- 'Case of the church and congregation at Hull under the Pastoral Care of the Rev. W. Pendered' (proposed George Street chapel), 1795

(B101) East Riding. Cuttings relating to Hull:- including Thomas Perronet Thompson, Hon. Mr. Villiers, Infirmary, offertory dishes, etc., 1807 - circa 1834

(B103) East Riding. Extract from Nield's 'Prisons':-- Hull gaol --: circa 1805

(B104) East Riding. Plate:- Epitaph and monument of Rev. Joseph Milner, circa 1816

(B105-113) East Riding. Plates:- Rev. John Bell, Rev. Joseph Fox, Rev. Joseph Gilbert, Rev. Edward Hare, Rev. John Hodgson, Rev. Joel Abraham Knight, Rev. George Lambert, William Wilberforce, Rev. John Willoughby, 1797 - 1822

(B114) East Riding. Extract from 'Counties, Cities and Boroughs':-- Hull --: circa 1812

(B115-116) East Riding. Plates:- font in Holy Trinity; Hull Docks --: 1828 - 1829

(B117) East Riding. Extract:- Holy Trinity, Hull, 19th century

(B118-128) East Riding. Plans (2) and reports (2) on the borough of Hull by Parliamentary Commissioners, circa 1831 - 1835

(B129-130) East Riding. Extract:- 'Observations on the Early History of Kingston upon Hull', by Rev. George Oliver, circa 1836

(B131) East Riding. Prospectus. Direct Lincoln and Hull, and Hull and York Railway Co., circa 1845

(B132) East Riding. Extract:- Summary of Letters Patent granting to William de la Pole the manors and towns of Bondebrustwyk, Ravensere, Hedone, Barowe, Paghelflete, Sprotleye, Lelledyk and Elstonwyk, with 210ac. land and 92ac. meadow, 15 May 1339 (estimated date)

(B133) East Riding. Cuttings relating to Hedon (temp. Ed. I - 1811), 18th - 19th century

(B134) East Riding. Extract:- account of Christopher Atkinson, M.P. for Hedon, standing in the pillory for perjury, 25 November 1785

(B135-138) East Riding. Extract from 'Peerage of England':- family of Darcy, Earls of Holderness, circa 1710

(B139) East Riding. Extract:- Leven canal, post 1825

(B140-141) East Riding. Extract from 'Peerage of England':- family of Sutton, Lord Lexinton, circa 1710

(B142-143) East Riding. Extract from 'Gentleman's Magazine':- review of 'A History of the Church and Priory of Swine', by Thomas Thompson, 1824

(B144) East Riding. Map of the North Riding by Herman Moll, 1724

(B145) East Riding. Map of the West Riding by Herman Moll, 1724

(B146) East Riding. Label. 'Selby', not dated

(B147-148) East Riding. Cuttings relating to Selby, 12th century - 1809, and 18th and 19th centuries

(B149) East Riding. Plate:- Rev. John Arundel of Whitby, born at Selby, 1812

(B150-153) East Riding. Plates (3) and extract from 'Gentleman's Magazine':- Selby Abbey, 1815

(B154-157) East Riding. Extract, with 2 prints:- Selby Abbey, 19th century

(B158) East Riding. Extract:- George Birkbeck M.D., born at Settle, circa 1842

204/85D 1850

'Frederick Strong's Catalogues and Correspondence'

(1-70) Letters between Gillyatt Sumner and Frederick Strong, bookseller, 19 Grafton Place, London, with extracts from the latter's catalogues:- items purchased by G.S. (many bound in Section C of this volume), 1850

1 volume

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Hull University Archives
Papers of Crust Todd and Mills, Solicitors, of Beverley