Bargain and Sale: Sir Raiphe Babthrop of Osgodbye, his wife Dame Grace, and son and heir Sir William Babthrop of Osgodbye to Robert Pickeringe of Barlbye, John Lainger of Lund and John Barrett of Osgodbye yeomen.

Reference No:
U DDCV/6/1
17 Sep 1610

For a certain sum paid by Robert Pickering:-- messuage, garth, orchard and hempgarth; 1/2ac. meadow beyond Gytheadland; closes called Hall Whitriddinge (9ac.) and Lilly Close (3ac.); 7 lands in Angram land (2ac.); parcel meadow in Brearfleyte (1/2 ac.); 2 parcels meadow beyond the Gytheadland (1ac. and 1/2ac. near Sarrott Close); 2 lands in North Croft (1r.); 1 land in Scamland Carr near the Milne Close (1/2ac.); parcel in Barley Crofte (1ac.); parcel called Parson Gaires (3r.); More Laine Close (3r.); 1 flatt in Banckefelde (3ac.) and 1ac. there; 3 lands in Angram (1ac.); all in Barlbye. Tenants named --: The flatt and 1ac. in Banckefelde, and 3 lands in Angram, to lead to a Common Recovery to use of R.P. Residue to uses of indenture of previous day between (i) Sir R.B. and Sir W.B. (ii) Raiphe Lodge, J.L. and J.B. and (iii) Henry Browne of Selbye yeoman. Power of attorney to Richard Feilden of Selby and William Watkinson of Hembroughe to deliver seisin. Witn. Robert Walker, John Barmbowe, Frauncis Potham. Endorsement of attornment. Witn. William Stagge, Thomas Dobbe, Raiph Lodge, John Dob, Thomas Brewer.

Endorsement of livery of seisin. Witn. Thomas Barritt, Raiphe Lodge, Nic. Purrett, John Tommson, Thomas Barstowe, John Lodge, Robert Pickeringe, Richard Stagge, Roger Grenevill, Robert Hubye, Samuell Browne, Henry Browne, John Dob, 20 Sep 1610.

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