Settlement: John, Lord Darcye of Aston to Thomas West of Doncaster and Francis Smithe of Aston gents.

Reference No:
U DDDU/11/96
13 Nov 1633
Manor and manor house of Kellome alias Killame alias Kelholme and all estate of Lord D. there (excepting a school-house lately erected by him in a parcel of the waste ground called the Greenes, and adjoining ground assigned by him for a court or yard, but as yet uninclosed): To use of Lord D. for life, then to heirs of their bodies, etc. (eventually for preferment of William Savile of Aston gent., should Lord D. die without issue). Subject to yearly rent of £35 granted by Lord D. to Sir Mathewe Boynton and Sir Henry Griffyn for use of a schoolmaster and usher at Kellom School. Witn. Robert Smith, Robert West, Will. Palmer. Seal of T.W., armorial, a fess dancette between 3 leopards' faces.
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