Assignment of Mortgage- Terms

Reference No:
U DDEV/21/17
2 Jan 1821
i) Barnard Clarkson, late of Gribthorpe, now of Selby, gent ii) William Gray of York, esq., Rev. William Ewbank of Burghwallis and Henry Ewbank of South St., Finsbury, merchant iii) William Middleton of Middleton Lodge, esq., Peter Middleton of Stockeld Park, esq. and Teresa Appolonia Constable Maxwell of Everingham, widow (devisees in trust of Marmaduke Constable Maxwell) to iv) William Constable Maxwell of Everingham, esq. and his trustee v) Hon. Charles Langdale of Holme upon Spalding Moor: 2 messuages and a garth in South End and 3 parcels in the East Carr:
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Hull University Archives
Papers of the Constable Maxwell Family of Everingham, Caerlaverock and Terregles (including the Haggerston and Sherburne Families)