Mortgage by Release: for £1600: Dame Ursula Bertye of St. Martins Lane, par. St. Martins in the Fields, co. Mdx. (widow of Sir Roger Bertye K.B. and daughter and heir of Sir Edward Lawley) to Thomas Lawley of Twickenham esq.

Reference No:
U DDFA/26/17
2 Aug 1639
Site of Greate Wenlock Priory. Lands in Much Wenlock with 2 pastures lying northeastward between the Priory House and Paper Mill (mentions meadow called Pouledamme, pasture called Cutlers Yard, Two Sandhills and 'the connyes there or upon;' meadows called Broad Meadowe, Bellhole, Mill Meadowe, Great White Leasowe, Midle Meadowe, Hollow Meadowe, the Broad Meadowe and Pinfold Meadowe; pasture ground called Newe Leasowe, Lercroft, Hether Downes and Upper part of Ruffe Downes; mills called the Paper Mill and 2 corne mills; pasture called Upper and Lower Wallmers, New Leazowe and Pinfold Pasture, Further Downes, Bradley Meadowe, Waltonhill Pasture and Ruff Downes, Avenors Croft, Calve Croft; messuages; 102ac. in Windmillhill Field, Edgefield and Shinewhead Furlonge; 24ac. in Bradley Furlonge and Knightstreefield; 34ac. in Southfield. (Tenants named): Witn. Ja. (or Su?) Barnell, Row. Jenkes (or Jewkes?), Tho. Chamber, William Poe, And. Batterley.
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Papers of the Forbes Adam/Thompson/Lawley (Barons Wenlock) Family of Escrick