Petition to the Crown of John Tenaunte of Scotton co. Yorks

Reference No:
U DDFA/30/1
That £200 was collected from the inhabitants of Kirckbye Lownsdell to purchase lands to the use of the Free Grammar School there; that the money was in the hands of Edmond Moore, Richard Dickson, Edward Baynes and John Moore; that J.T. borrowed it from them for 10 years, granting to them in the meantime a rent charge of £20 yearly from his lands and entering into a recognizance in £400 for performance of the covenants of the Grant (13 August 1595); that the term of 10 years has expired and he is willing to repay the principal, but that they refuse to receive it of him, claiming that the transaction was for a conveyance and threatening to take advantage of the recognizance if he does not execute a conveyance to them. He asks for a commission to Sir Conyers Dacres Darcye, Nicholas Cower and Thomas Leyton esqs., and Thomas Granger, professor of divinity to hear and determine the matter. Endorsement granting the petition, signed Jul. Caesar, 16 November 1604.
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