Confirmation. Parties as U DDFA/5/32. Of three Bargains and Sales from Sir H.K. to T.K.

Reference No:
U DDFA/5/34

(a) as U DDFA/5/32

(b) manor of Ellerton: 27 June 1586

(c) manor, capital messuage or tenement called Bardalgarth in Escrigge with wood called West Garthe; and fourth part of woods called Lund and Holly Kirste. Fourth part of advowson of Escrigge. All property in Escrigge late of Frauncis Gayle dec'd., father of Robert Gayle esq., and of R.G. Farm called the Pallion, barn and close called Calfe Close before the doore, Whynnye Close, the Tonge, 2 Nonne Pallions, and 7ac. in Mylne Feilde; and a tenement all in Escrigge, 27 June 1586. Witn. Arthur Bainbrygg, George Carr. Seal of H.K., armorial, a bend within a bordure indented. See U DDFA/5/73.

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Papers of the Forbes Adam/Thompson/Lawley (Barons Wenlock) Family of Escrick