Covenant to levy a Fine

Reference No:
U DDFA/5/38
20 Apr 1607

(i) Sir Thomas Knyvet and wife Dame Elizabeth

(ii) Thomas, Earl of Suffolk K.G., and Lord William Howard of Naward co. Cumberland

(iii) Henry, Earl of Northampton and Sir William Knollys, Lord Knollys

For £1000 to Sir T.K., by the Earl of Suffolk: as U DDFA/5/36. Manor of Wheldrake with capital messuage, orchard, Inge Marsh, Newe Close, the Carre, 3ac.1r., Moorend or Moresend, Lawner Mylne Burnnyng or Lawes Milne Burneing, 2 Banks, Ferryman Hill, Fountayne Dike; parcels in Westbanke, Fourteene Acres, Fleshorneinge, Personing, Roundacre, Hugh Flatt and Suskewe; and specified rents. All other property of Sir T.K. in Escrick, Wigginton, Scrowton, Thorganby, Cottingwith and Naburne: To lead to a Recovery, to use of Sir T.K. and Dame E. in tail male; then in tail female; then successively to Edward Howard, Sir Thomas Howard, Charles Howard, Robert Howard, William Howard and the Earl of Suffolk and their heirs. (Except property in Scrowton, which shall be to Sir T.K. and heirs). Witn. Tho. Vavasor, Tho. Mounson, Lewes Prowde, W. Dodd, Edw. Dowbleday, Rich. Dodd, Matthew Wilkinson, Tho. Johnson, Ben. Carpenter.

Endorsed with attornments to Sir Edward Howard of named tenants of manors of Wheldrake, Escrick, Wigginton, 12 September 1622.

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Papers of the Forbes Adam/Thompson/Lawley (Barons Wenlock) Family of Escrick