Wayleave agreements (3)

Reference No:
U DDFA7/15/8
[c.1987]-31 Oct 1989

Between Mr Reader, Escrick Estate Office and British Telecom: laying of underground telegraph to the doctor's house, Main Street, Escrick; for laying a telephone duct at Queen Margaret's School, Escrick; for the laying of underground telegraphs to the Estate Office building and fixing of a small dial cable and block wire points, Main Street Escrick

Plans (2): North Eastern Electricity Board the removal of lv [low voltage] overhead line, Escrick, Jun 1989

With: statutory notification, letters and plans (2) from British Coal to Nigel Colin Forbes Adam: proposed borehole at Gilbertson's Wood, Escrick 11 Sep 1989

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Hull University Archives
Papers of the Forbes Adam/Thompson/Lawley (Barons Wenlock) Family of Escrick