Pamphlet. 'Five remarkable passages which have very lately happened betweene his Maiestie, and the High Court of Parliament'

Reference No:
U DDHO/2/17
22 - 28 Apr 1642

'1. The humble petition of the gentry and commons of York ... April 22 1642

2. His Majesties message sent to the Parliament April 24 1642 concerning Sir John Hotham's refusall to give his Majestie entry into Hull

3. The Parliaments resolution concerning the said Sir John Hotham

4. A declaration from both Houses concerning the stopping of passages between Hull and the Parliament

5. The true catalogue of all the names of the Divines approved of by both Houses of Parliament ... as fit persons to be consulted ... touching the Reformation of church government ... Together with an order from both Houses to the same effect. 28. of Aprill 1642'

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Papers of the Hotham Family of Scorborough and South Dalton