Lease for 80 years: for 20s.: Henry, Earl of Danby to Edward Fettyplace of Lincolns Inn, Anthony Drake of Cornebury co. Oxon. and Richard Hunt of Dancey, co. Wilts.

Reference No:
U DDHO/52/83
5 Mar 1633
9 oxgangs in Middle Field; pasture gates in Cropton Wood or Cropton Bank, and Lythe Ings (Milne Croft reserved); 3 messuages and 10 oxgangs, 4 cottages, wood called the Haugh, closes called Marten Heads, Blay Pitte, Sinnington Moore and Randletts; messuage and Brocke Close; in Cropton. Rectory and advowson of Kirkdale. Manor of Kinthorpe with lands held by named tenants and closes called Scallamore Closes, Harrwood Hagg, Milne Hagge, Eastergate Hagg, Widnam, Haugh Hagg, High fields, Edmond Hagg, and Stangate Bank. Capital messuage called Roxby; Benson's House with Benson's Closes or Lady's Closes; the Dunckell, Dunckell Close, Hopgarth, Kilne Garth, Little Awnam Close, North and West Closes, Butt Close, Moor Close, Midsick Storyes Close and Somer Tree Brigg Close and 5 oxgangs in Thorneton and Ellerbourne. Manor and capital messuage of Ebberstone with rent of 23s.; messuage and closes called Wawe Close and Thurscrofte; 6 oxgangs; cottage, hempgarth, close, toft, parcels called 'Farriby Lands and divers Farrby meadowes' : Noble House; 5 messuages; 3 messuages and 12 1/2 oxgangs; 34 cottages; 2 water corn mills; 5 closes near the manor house called Horse Close, the Warlockes, the Hagge, and Kiddall; Mill Close; closes called Mastilles and Bloody, Malton Cotes and Walles; 12 broad lands meadow in Ebberston Ing; St. John's Ing; odd lands in the Nether Wandills; Lowper Close; coney warren in Scamridge; and 17 oxgangs, all in Ebberston (Almond Flatts reserved). 69 broad lands in Snaynton. Nobles Farm with 140ac. land, 40ac. meadow and 140ac. pasture; farm with 40ac. arable, 20ac. meadow and 20ac. pasture; pasture and Whytcleffe Head (100ac.) and Ebberston Netherby and Upperby; and other property in Bickley and Deepdaile. Manor or capital messuage called Larpoole alias Lairpool, par. Whitby. Wray Closes (160ac.) with a cottage in par. Pickering. Tenants named throughout: To uses of the Earl.
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