Copy Mortgage: John Broadley to Thomas and Robert Raikes of Hull, bankers: for £17,487, being the balance of his current account with them

Reference No:
U DDLA/22/153
22-23 May 1852
Hessleskeugh Grange with 400ac. with a Sheep Walk or Sheep Pasture. Messuage in Sancton (Seaton 'in Holderness?) with closes called Intacks, Old Closes; High and Low Bramers, East, Middle and West Harswells and 3 Far Closes. 3 closes or pigtiles in Sancton. Messuage in Seaton with 3 garths, closes called Beverley Close, Long Close, Fawson Close, 2 Bramares or Bramoors, Deadmens Graves, Whinn Close, Meadfins Hould alias Madfins Hold, West and East Harsels or Harswells and 3 little closes, 3 oxgangs and allotments in Sigglesthorne. Closes at Hedon. Farm and Shaw's Close, cottage, Car Close, Car Side Close, Rue Mar, High Close, Near Close and Farr Close in Arnald. 2 allotments at Seaton. 3 closes (as U DDLA/22/149) at Sancton. Farm with 31ac. 2r. 31p. in Cottingham Lands in North Carr and North-houses and 2 messuages in Cottingham.
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Papers of the Langdale Family (Incorporating Stourton and Harford) of Houghton Hall and Holme-on-Spalding-Moor