Letters to Mrs Scarlett, Peru Estate, from Wm. Jas. Stevenson of Falmouth [Jamaica]: Green Vale Estate, legal matters, particularly relating to James Scarlett's estate

Reference No:
U DDLA/41/17

The majority of the letters date from 1798-1803. They cover many general subjects, including allowances for Eliza Scarlett's children; negotiation with John Scarlett [her brother-in-law] regarding two enslaved people; negotiation with Benjamin Waterhouse relating to the Green Vale estate; financial matters relating to the estates; court case(s) relating to Green Vale.

The letters also contain occasional references to named people on the estate, who may be assumed to be enslaved people, as follows:

Letter dated 27/05/1798

Stevenson to EV Scarlett: "You have heard I suppose of Peter's return: he, with a woman and Boy were taken from the Thicketts last Sunday. Peter very narrowly escaped with his life, and is apprehensive that they will massacre the boy (I forget his name) because he is a Creole."

Letter dated 7 July 1799

Stevenson to EV Scarlett: "I was extremely uneasy at the Idea of old Fanny's being compelled to quit the place where she has so long lived and where she appears to be so well contented, but Mrs Jno. Scarlett seemed inclined to have all; however when I wrote to the overseer to deliver them up, I omitted the name of Hannah, conceiving at the time, that Hannah was the Nurse and not old Fanny; but when Mr Jno. Scarlett returned, I discovered the mistake, and very particularly requested him to allow Fanny to stay, and observed that she could not be of half the use to him that she was at Peru - he then said he would consider of it. Under this Circumstance, I shall now write by her to Mr Elliot, and desire him to send Hannah, and keep Fanny 'till we can be on our certainty."

Letter dated 19 Sept 1799

Stevenson to EV Scarlett: "I can briefly say that all the people have left the Estate except Fanny; Mr John Scarlett and I have arranged the account of the hire to be paid, and I have paid him a part…"

Letter dated 14 Nov 1799

Stevenson to EV Scarlett: "I was very unfortunate yesterday, in being extremely busy in Court when your Letter respecting Blanch [sic] arrived. I have precisely the same Sentiments that you have, and should be very happy were she off the Country; but I much apprehend the risk that would be run by disposing of her in the way you propose, as there is a severe penalty on mortgagees, trustees or guardians so disposing of slaves under their Charge, without the Sentence of a Court; and I almost doubt whether in this Case she could be so brought to trial as to induce the Court to transport her; but let us consider of that, and determine shortly."

Letter dated 26 Feb 1800

WJS to EVS: "Blanch shall be sent down by the first opportunity. I postponed it, because Mr James wrote me that you wished to fatten her a little first. If you have no objection to the risk of sending her down by water, I believe I can do so about Saturday or Sunday."

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Papers of the Langdale Family (Incorporating Stourton and Harford) of Houghton Hall and Holme-on-Spalding-Moor