Agreement: Robert de Sywardby and John son of Arnald de Marton

Reference No:
U DDLG/130/18
13th cent.
J. quitclaims to R. a toft in Sywardby, sometime of Osbert Puttock and lying near the court of R. towards the East; in exchange for 2 tofts in the same town (of which Richard Goye sometime held one, lying between land of Sir Thomas de Heselerton and of Stephen the merchant ('mercatoris'); and Peter Ruffus sometime held the other, stretching from land of Sir Thomas de Heselerton to the highway): Witn. Sir Robert Constable ("Constabular' "), Sir Thomas de Heselerton, Walter de Buketon, William of the same, Thomas de Sywardby, Vivian de Flanesb(urg). Seal, vesica, Agnus Dei, 'S. ROBERTI. D....'.
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Papers of the Lloyd-Greame Family of Sewerby