Account and commonplace book similar to U DDLG/43/1 of Randall Carleill

Reference No:
U DDLG/143/2
1610 - 1667
Sheep, smith, manure, wages, stock, coals, timber, ships' accounts (trading voyages to Baltic), rents, etc: Also contains details of tenants having leases for 'watercourses by water pipes and cocks into their houses' in Hull, 1614 - 1617; recipes (medicinal); note of gates and lands in Cayton; farm implements in foreman's hands; copy of the Covenant; prophecy periods in which 'greate actions' could be expected, 1655 - 1674; lands & work let out; servants hired; rates & taxes (parish; army, Ship Money): Sewerby, Flamborough, Bridlington, Buckton, Dickering
Archive Item
1 volume
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Hull University Archives
Papers of the Lloyd-Greame Family of Sewerby