Volume compiled by Gillyatt Sumner jnr.

Reference No:
U DDMM2/1/13

Contains copies of documents:

pp. 1 - 8 Lease and Release: for £25: Elizabeth Waller, widow, and John W. son and heir of James W. of York gent. to John Gunbie of Beverley gent.: close (Holme Church Yard N.): 8/9 June 1708

pp. 9 - 10 Bond, further to (1 - 8), for execution of further assurances by John W. when 21. 10 June 1708

p. 11 Extract from will of John Gunby: lands at Footed Garth to son Christopher. Close as (1 - 8) to sister Anne, then to wife Elizabeth, then to son Christopher. With registered memorial. 8 January 1722

pp. 12 - 20 Lease and Release for £35: John Holt clothier and wife Elizabeth and Charlotte Gunby spinster all of Halifax (E.H. and C.G. being daughters of Christopher Gunby of Scarborough deceased) to William Leake of Beverley alderman: close as (1 - 8). (1ac.): 22/23 February 1753

pp. 21 - 22 Will of William Leake. Bequests to John Gunby of Holborn distiller; Miss Ann Thompson of Hull; Sarah daughter of John Holt late of Halifax; brothers John and Thomas; sister Mary Cowling; Mary Moxon of Hull: Seaton. Sigglesthorne. Beverley: 2 April 1776

pp. 23 - 24 Will of Rev. Thomas Leake of Bishop Burton. Bequests to sister Mary Cowling of Beverley widow; her daughter Mary Moxon of Hull widow and grandchildren William Moxon and Mary Wells; poor of Bishop Burton, Seaton and Keldgate in Beverley: Seaton. Sigglesthorne. Beverley: 5 March 1786

pp. 25 - 26 Receipts each for £3 paid by Gillyatt Sumner to William Moxon, being rent of close near Beckside (2), 16 July 1791 - 4 June 1793

p. 27 9 Letter: Gillyatt Sumner to William Moxon: offering £100 for close, 9 August 1793

pp. 28 - 36 Lease and Release: for o100: William Moxon merchant and his mother Mary M. widow to Gillyatt Sumner of Beverley leather - dresser: close as (1 - 8): 9/10 October 1793

p. 37 Letter: William Moxon to Gillyatt Sumner: payment of purchase money, 16 May 1794; Account of purchase money, 1793 - 1794

Tenancy Agreement: Gillette Summer to Thomas Nelson of Beverley cordwainer: part of Close as (1 - 8), 16 April 1794

pp. 38 - 45 Mortgage for £60: Gillyatt Sumner to Thomas Nelson of Beverley gent.: messuage and common bakehouse in Beck side. Close as (1 - 8): 26 December 1794

pp. 46 - 50 Redemption of above mortgage, 26 december 1798

pp. 51 - 58 Mortgage for £100: Gillyatt Sumner to Robert Cook of Beverley gent.: messuage and close as (38 - 45), 23 November 1801

p. 59 Receipts each for £2.10 interest on o100 paid by Gillyatt Sumner to William Mawman (2), 7 June - 6 December 1802

pp. 60 - 65 Redemption of mortgage as (51 - 58) from William Mawman of Beverley tailor, exor. of Robert Cobb, 14 February 1803

pp. 66 - 70 Schedule. Certificate of assessment and contract for redemption of Land Tax by Gillyatt Sumner: messuage , close, house, yard and garden in Beckside, 16 -24 June 1803

pp. 71 - 80 Mortgage for £315: Gillyatt Sumner to John Auton late of Laund House now of Laughton gent.: 2 closes in Beverley Parks; close as (1 - 8); messuage and 3 garths on N. side of street called Barley Holme (next to a lane leading to where Holme Church Yard stood): 9 November 1807

pp. 81 - 83 Memorial of (71 - 80)

pp. 84 - 85 Schedule of title deeds, 1708 - 1807

pp. 86 - 87 Tenancy Agreements: Gillyatt Sumner to Robert Ramshaw of Beverley gardener: garden with fruit trees: (2) 6 April 1811 - 5 April 1817

pp. 88 - 96 Lease and Release: for £100: Gillyatt Sumner snr., late leather - dresser and fellmanger, now gent. to G. S. jnr. gent. both of Beverley: orchard or garden (formerly close as (1 - 8): G. S senr. to redeem mortgage as (71 - 80): 6/7 October 1817

pp. 97 - 98 Memorial of (88 - 96)

pp. 99 - 105 Lease for 21 years at 10 shillings rent: Gillyatt Sumner jnr. to John Dove senr. of Beverley innkeeper: parcel (16 yds x 9 yds) of garden as (88 - 96): 20 November 1817

pp. 106 - 108 Tenancy Agreement for 2 years at £8. 8s. rent: Gillyatt Sumner jnr. to Robert Ramshaw of Beverley gardener: garden as (88 - 96), except parcel leased as (99 - 105): 28 November 1817

pp. 109 - 116 Lease and Assignment: Gillyatt Sumner jnr. and Robert Ramshaw to William Bravinder of Beverley gardener: (as 106 - 108); and 2 closes near the Minster: 28 August 1819

p. 117 Endorsements cancelling the lease of garden as (106 - 108) and one of the closes, 18 June 1821 - 24 December 1822

pp. 118 - 127 Lease and Release: for £225: Gillyatt Sumner to William Bravinder: as (106 - 108): 15/16 June 1821

pp. 128 - 139 Assignment of Mortgages as (71 - 80) and another of 26 February 1821: Gillyatt Sumner senr. and John Auton to J. S. senr.: for £500 to J. A and £80 to G. S. senr., 21 August 1822

pp. 140 - 142 Memorial of (128 - 139)

p. 143 Notice: Gillyatt Sumner jnr. to William Bravinder; to pull down an erection on lands as (99 - 105), 12 November 1823

pp. 144 - 148 Covenant: Josiah Burkinshaw of Beverley gent. to Gillyatt Sumner jnr.: Further to a conveyance by G. S senr. and jnr. to J. B. of a messuage and skin - yard in Barley Holme and adjoining orchard and tanyard (Holme Church Lane N.): 19 February 1825

p. 149 Surrender of Lease as (99 - 105) by Martha Dove of Beverley widow, 8 June 1830

p. 150 Tenancy Agreement at £1.15 rent: Gillyatt Sumner jnr. of Woodmansey gent. to John Abbot of Beverley innkeeper: as (99 - 105), 8 June 1830

pp. 151 - 153 Lease for 21 years at 21 shillings rent: Robert Ingleton, mayor, and governors of Beverley to Jaine Marks of Beverley widow: messuage on N. of Becksyde and an orchard (Holme Church Lane N.), 1 May 1582

pp. 154 - 155 Feoffment. Richard Fareclif gent. to Rev. John Tomson both of Beverley: cottage and garden (late property of chantry of B.V.M. in Holme Church): Power of attorney to Rev. Geoffrey Geffrason and [ ] Farre to deliver seisin, 7 February 1552/3

pp. 156 - 157 Feoffment. Rev. John Thomson of Kekynfelde to William Thomson of Beverley glover: as (154 - 155): Power of attorney to Rev.Alexander Brandshawe and Robert Gossoppe glover to deliver seisin, 19 February 1564/5

pp. 158 - 159 Feoffment. William Thomson to Richard Bullock, Thomas Settrington, Robert Fayrer, Christopher Thornabie, John Johnsonn, Christopher Rosdaile, Thomas Walker, Richard Garbrey, Thomas Cowlinge, John Fletcher, Ralph Knaggs and George Gwyne, governors of Beverley: as (154 - 155). Cottage 'wasted': 12 September 1572

pp. 160 - 162 Bond for peaceful possession further to (158 - 159), 12 September 1572

p. 163 Extract from Valour Ecclesiasticus: vicarage of Holme and chantry of B.V.M. there: [1534 - 1535]

p. 164 Extract from Russell's Manuscript: croft between Holme Church Yard and lane from Parson Bryg; other parcels on N. of the Church: n.d.

p. 165 Notice: Gillyatt Sumner to John Abbott: surrender tenancy as (150), 12 September 1837

p. 166 Tenancy Agreement at £2 rent: Gillyatt Sumner to John Abbott: garth (164 sq. yds) in Holme Church Lane (as 150?), 6 April 1838

p. 167 Letter. Gillyatt Sumner to John Abbott: received a better offer for a lease of property as (166), 2 August 1841

p. 168 26 Notice: Gillyatt Sumner to John Abbott: to surrender tenancy as (166), 26 September 1845

pp. 169 - 170 Agreement for Sale: for £50: Gillyatt Sumner to Martin Lascelles of Beverley blacksmith: as (166): 6 April 1846

p. 171 Receipt for interest on outstanding purchase money further to (169 - 170), 6 April 1847

pp. 172 - 173 Abstract of (88 - 96)

pp. 174 - 178 Conveyance further to (169 - 170). A house having been erected on the premises by Martin Lascelles, 6 April 1848

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Papers of Kenneth A MacMahon