Marriage Settlement: William de Assheton of Croston and Thomas de Urswyk: on marriage of Thomas son and heir of W. de A. and Eleyn daughter of T. de U.: T. de U. to pay £106.13.4. to W. de A., who shall settle lands to the value of 10 marks yearly on the couple, and remainder of his estate to Thomas Langley, bishop of Durham, Sir Richard Molyneux, Richard de Walton and John de Lethum chaplains, to uses of his will.

Reference No:
U DDPA/14/1
Provisions for repayment in event of various contingencies. Recites an oath of W. de A. that there are no prior incumbrances on the estate, taken on same day before Thomas Urswyk, Laurence de Standissh, Richard Botiller of Kirkeland, William Gernet, Hugh de Pemburton, Henry de Byrkened, Mark de Wygan, Roger de Caterall, Thurstan de Pemburton and John de Byrkened. Parties mutually bound in £200 for performance. Fri. in 5th week of Lent, 7 Hen. V.
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Papers of the Palmes Family of Naburn