Gift in Exchange: Guy Green of Naburne to Brian Palmes esqs.

Reference No:
U DDPA/7/69
4 Feb 1500
Piece of land in Naburn near B.P.'s pond (i.e. from the corner of the close of the Prior of St. Andrew's, York, W. to an oak of G.G. growing in lez Fourty Acres E.; and between G.G.'s close called Littillwhate S. to B.P.'s close called lez Harebuskez N.): In exchange for 2ac. in the East Field of Naburn lying on lez Langelandez between lands late of Francis, Lord Lovell N., and of B.P. South. Witn. John Aclome esq., Thomas Heslarton, James Duffeld and Ralph Scalby gents., William Carbot of Naburn, William Godyere, William Purdone, Robert Ferryman of the same.
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Papers of the Palmes Family of Naburn