Copy Letters Patent granting to Sir John Nevell, Lord Latymer

Reference No:
U DDPA/8/1
12 Feb 1538
Reversion of (a) site of Nonnemonketon Priory with a dovecote, a corn-mill, 2 grain- mills under one roof on the R. Nydde, fishing in R. Nidde, passage across R. Nydde and R. Ouse, 21ac. meadow on banks of R. Nydde, meadow called North Ings (39ac.1r.); closes called Bradarse (22 1/2ac.), Oxclose (16ac.); le Rye Close (8ac.), le Claye Flatte (7ac.), le Oxe Pasture (6ac.), le More Close (100ac.), Gowlandes (36ac.) and Dokmyre (5 1/2ac.); wood called Sprynge Parke (7ac.); and 120ac. arable in closes called Bellyng Close, Newton Crofte, the More Newton Crofte, the Lesse Scalles Close, le Westfelde, Midlefeld, and le next Towne felde; also 2 corn-mills under one roof on R. Nydde in Kirkhamerton (all of which were granted to Sir Marmaduke Cunstable of Flamburgh for 21 years, 19 September 1536). (b) Rectory and tithes of Kirkehamerton (advowson excepted) and tenements there called le Hall Garth and Hamerton Wood (granted to William Blytheman gent. for 21 years 1 February 1537/8) Also manors of Monketon, Nonnemonketon and Kirkehamerton. Manor and grange of Nonne Staunton, co. Durham. Rectories of Nonnemonketon, Kirkehamerton, St. George in York, Walton and Askam Richard. And all property of the priory in those places and in Chanons, Benyngburgh, Benyngton, Flixton, Marton in Burghshire, Grenehamerton, Newton uppon Owse, Ripon, Thorpe Undrewood, Wriggyngton, Kirkeleventon, Laybourne, Thorpe Arche, Marston Moore, Angrome and Willesthorpe: In recompense for manors and lands in Settryngton, Homondby, Westowe and Swaledale; and for £1687.16.8d. Indemnified against pension of £4.13.4d. payable to Thomas Appulgarth, late singer ('Cantarista') at chantry chapel of Willesthroppe. Reference to lands in Willesthroppe claimed by Sir Oswald Willesthroppe. Late 18th century copy.
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