Feoffment: Brian Palmes serjeant at law and James Duffeld gent. to Sir Robert Aske, Sir Peter Vavasor, John Aske (son of Sir R.A.), John Dawney esq., William Babthorppe esq., Nicholas Palmes (son of B.P.); George, William and Richard Palmes (brothers of N.P.); Thomas Langton gent., George Scalby gent., George Banke, Christopher Welles chaplain, Thomas Parkynson, William Potage, James Dale and Christopher Dale

Reference No:
U DDPA/9/1
10 Oct 1517
All lands in Rikall lately in tenure of Thomas Clarke, chaplain; and reversion of lands held by Francis Duffeld for life (except parcel called Four Acre Lane). All which B.P. & J.D., with others now dec'd., had of the gift of John Charleton esq.: Power of attorney to Henry Townend and John Wayneman to deliver seisin. Witn. Sir John Roclyff, William Thwayttes, John Acclome, Robert Fayrfax gent., Edmund Chapman yeoman, Robert Toodd yeoman, John Thomlynson. Endorsement that the feoffees shall hold the premises to the use of the said Thomas Clarke 'who now doth syng for the soulles of the wythyn named James Charleton and Janne hys wyff at the alter of Saint Nycholes wythyn the parysshe churche of Rykall' or other priests hereafter appointed as his successors by Bryan Palmes in accordance with the will of J.C. Livery of seisin. Witn. John Clay gent., Christopher (Guy?) chaplain, Thomas (Blacbarn?), Brian Stokes, William Strynger, 25 October 1517
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Papers of the Palmes Family of Naburn