Bargain and Sale: for £600: Charles Jackson of Carleton gent. (& wife Jane) to Jeremy Farrer of Liversedge clothier

Reference No:
U DDPR/36/10
12 Jan 1661
Messuage with Long Close, Cockpitt Close, Stringer Inge, Strawberry Bank, Makeing Bothom Ing, Ellintree Flatt, Overstanning Flatts, and the Freardyke; the Primrose Yards, Laith Croft, Netherstaning Flatts, Milne Feild, Pease Close and the Holmes, all in Liversedge: Witn. Joshua Farrer, Richard Scott, John Thwaites, Robert Smith, John Kay. With Bond for performance of covenants. Endorsement 'In this parcel are two Grants or Sales from Viscount Savile to the Freeholders of Liversidge in the year 1660' (one of the North, and one of the South parts of the Common), deleted
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