Parchment roll bearing copies (14th century) of various Gifts

Reference No:
U DDSQ/12/1
[1220]-27 Oct 1348

a) Gift: Agnes, daughter of Sir Roger de Stotevill, to her son Alexander de Sancto Quintino and his heirs: in her widowhood: all her lands in Harpham, Burton Anneys, Thyrnum and Crancemore. Homage and service of John de Harpham for a tenement held of her in Harpham; of William de Hasthorp for a tenement held of her in Haysthorp; and of all other free tenants holding of her. With reversion to William and Anselm de S. Q., brothers of Alexander, and their heirs successively. Witn. Marmaduke de Tweng, John de Oketone, William de Karthorp, John Grasso, William de (Rue?), John de Risom, Robert de Friboys, John Jordan, Elnard de Saltmerske, Ingram de Monceaus, Simon de Stotevilla, William Robertet, [circa 1220]

b) Gift: John de Basingham to Alexander de Sancto Quintino: in marriage with Margery daughter of William de Albo Monest(erio): 8 bovates in Crancemore (i.e. those held by the following tenants: 3 by Robert son of Ralph, 2 by Robert son of Ketil, and 1 each by Hobbe Solpe, Robert son of Henry, and Ralph son of Amund) together with the said tenants and their families. Rendering a pair of gilt spurs or 6d. yearly, [circa 1225]

c) Gift: Roger de Colville, lord of Bitam (Bytham, county Lincolnshire) to William de Sancto Quintino: 4 bovates and 3 tofts with the villeins, their families and chattels in Harpham, 2 bovates and 1 toft in Crancemore. Rendering 100s. at Harpham yearly. Witn. Sir William de Hasthorp, Sir Richard de Tweng, Sir Thomas de Heslerton, [circa 1280]

d) Attornment by Dame Agnes widow of Sir Geoffrey de Sainquintine to Sir John de Multhorp and Sir Anselm Astine of Harpham chaplains, and Warranty by them to her: further to a Gift to them by Sir William de Seinquintine of two parts of his manor of Harpham with its appurtenances in Burton Annays, Thirnum, Hasthorp, Crancemore, Louthorp and Killume, with the reversion of the third part, held by Dame Agnes in dower by assignment of Sir William. Given at Harpham, decollation of St. John Baptist (II?) Ed. III. (See U DDSQ/12/1(i))

e) 9 April 1282 Gift: (Sir?) Roger de Colvill, lord of Bitham, to (Sir?) William de Sancto Quintino of Harpham: all his property in Harpham, [ ], Thirnum and Grancemore (excepting 2 bovates and a messuage held by Robert Aldis, and 2 bovates and a messuage by Thomas, son of Robert [ ], in Harpham; and 2 bovates and a messuage held by John de Yedingham in Grancemor; with the villeins, their families and chattels; which the donor gave to his brother Walter de Collvil in exchange). Rendering £15 yearly at Harpham, Witn. Sir Thomas de Heslerton, Sir Richard de Tweng, Sir Walter de Buketon, Sir William de Hasthorp, Sir William de Colevill of Swinsted. Given at Lincoln, 9 April. 10 Ed., (9 April 1282)

f) Gift: John de Basingham to Richard the clerk, son of Roger Austibi of Harpham: 2 bovates in Harpham which R. A. held, with a toft and croft. Rendering 15s. yearly. Witn. William de Muster parson of Basingham, Thomas de Melsa, Stephen de Killom, no date

g) Gift: Herbert de Sancto Quintino to his kinsman Sir William de Sancto Quintino: messuage and 4 bovates in Harpham which he had of the gift of William son of Anselm de Harpham, and which William held of Sir William. Witn. Sir Marmaduke de Tweng, Sir John de Heslerton, [28 April 1297]

h) Final Concord: William de Sancto Quintino and wife Joan plaintiffs and Walter de Harpham chaplain and John Squier chaplain deforceants: manor of Harpham with its appurtenances (except 9 messuages, 5 tofts, 2 bovates and 2 parts of 2 mills). As U DDSQ/5/2 above. Incomplete: the remaining part is at U DDSQ/12/1(m) [27 October 1348]

i) Gift: Sir William de Sancto Quintino to Sir John de Multhorp and Sir Anselm Astin of Harpham chaplains: Two parts of the manor of Harpham and all his property there (excepting a messuage and 4 bovates), and in Burton Annays, Thirnum, Hasthorp, Grauncemore, Louthorp and Killom. With the reversion of the third part on the death of Dame Agnes, widow of Sir Geoffrey de Sancto Quintino, who holds it in dower by Assignment of the donor. Rendering £200 yearly. Witn. Sir Roger de Somervil, Sir Thomas de Heslerton, Sir Walter de Heslerton, Sir John de Hasthorp, Sir George de Salvayn. Given at Harpham, Monday after Assumption of the B. V. M., 1337. See U DDSQ/12/1(d) above, [18 August 1337]

j) Gift: John de Multhorp and Anselm Astyn chaplains to Sir William de Sancto Quintino and his wife Joan: as U DDSQ/12/1(i). Witn. Sir Roger de Somervill, Sir Thomas de Heslerton. Given at Harpham, vigil St. Bartholomew 1337, [23 August 1337]

k) Writ to sheriff of Yorkshire: relating to the discharge by Herbert de Sancto Quintino of William son of Geoffrey de Sancto Quintino in respect of 14 carucates, 1 1/2 bovates in Harpham, Burton Annays, Thirnum, Hasthorp and Grauncemore held by William from William de Tweng. 16 February (9?) Ed. (I?), 16 February (1280/1?)

l) Memorandum relating to the inheritance of Anselm de Stotevill son of Roger de S., and the claims to it of his five sisters and their families: manors of Burton Annays, Harpham, Hasthorp, Thirnum and Grauncemore. No date

m) Completion of Final Concord, the first part of which is at U DDSQ/12/1(h) above, [27 October 1348]

n) Final Concord: Walter de Harpham and John Squier chaplains plaintiffs and William de Sancto Quintino and wife Joan deforceants: 6 messuages, 1 bovate 5ac. land, and 12s. rents in Killom, Lowthorp, Burton Anneys, Hasthorp and Kingeston super Hull. Manor of Harpham (except a messuage and 4 bovates). On the following terms:

i) Two parts of the premises to William and Joan and her heirs

ii) The third part, held in dower by Agnes widow of Geoffrey de Sancto Quintino, to remain to William and Joan and her heirs, [13 October 1348]

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Papers of the St Quintin family of Harpham and Scampston