Agreement between Edward Nixon of Howden gent. and wife Elizabeth and Richard Sykes of Hull esq. relating to £800

Reference No:
U DDSY/34/95
22 Nov 1754
(Being part of £2,500 part of the purchase money of lands sold by E. & E.N. in 1747, which R.S. was to place out at interest). The £800 was advanced to Randolphus Hobman of Danzig on mortgage of lands in Hutton Cranswick, which lands have since been conveyed to Richard Sykes and his trustee Joseph Sykes of Hull merchant. R.S. now wishing to free these lands in Hutton Cranswick from the incumbrance, it is agreed that the £800 shall remain in the hands of him and Joseph Sykes as joitn partners in trade, at interest upon their personal security. Witn. Robert Grimston, John Taylor, Ralph Nixon and John Hudson
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Papers of the Sykes family of Sledmere