Lease for a year: Mary Peirson of Bruton St., par. St. George Hanover Square, co. Mdx. spinster to William Marwood of Little Busby, co. York, esq. and Rev. George Metcalfe (as U DDSY/38/26)

Reference No:
U DDSY/38/28
16 Nov 1789
A fifth part of the manor and estate of Mowthorpe and Mowthorpe Grainge; of the site of a messuage, Cow Close, Willow Garth, Whinny Close, Leaze Close, 1ac., the Holes, 33/4 beastgates in Carr Moor and the Holmes, on the N. side of Owram alias Ulram; of a cottage and 4 closes meadow in Ellerby; and of a messuage called East House, 1 oxgang in falls called Barmston Dale, and 1 oxgang called Bilton Oxgangs in Ulram alias Owram: To lead to a Release
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Papers of the Sykes family of Sledmere