Lease and Release

Reference No:
U DDSY/39/10
13-14 Jan 1690

(i) Thomas Young (as DDSY/39/9) (ii) John Crump of Barnards Inn, Holborne, co. Mdx gent. (iii) Ann Hall (as DDSY/39/9)

Manor of Kirkburne with messuage, 2 barns, foregarth, Beck Garth, 2 Anthony Closes, Three Nook Close, Beck Close and 15 oxgangs; 3 messuages and garths, 2 closes, Harbattles Garth; cottage, garth and Hewson Close; messuage, 2 barns, garth, Dring Close, West Close, little close adjoining Southburne Field and 15 oxgangs; messuage with Stubbs Garth and adjacent close, Hall Close, garden and garden-house, and 12 oxgangs; 2 cottages and garths and Tankred Close, Egrons, Corner Close and parson Dams; cottage and garth: To lead to a Common Recovery. Witn. Henry Waterland, Hen. Browne, Tho. Cubett, peter Rose, John Robinson, Joshua Droning, Wm. Hodgson

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