Quitclaim and Bargain and Sale by Rev. Thomas Sothebie of Combes, co. Suffolk.

Reference No:
U DDSY/4/171
9 Mar 1638

Reciting a covenant by him to Sir William Hildyard of Bishop Wilton now dec'd. (then lord of the two manors in Bishop Wilton called the Bishopps Manor and the Treasurer's or Prebend's Manor) to surrender to Sir W.H. 4 messuages, 4 cottages, 24 oxgangs and 24ac. forbye lands, copyhold in Bishop Wilton, to the use of Alexander Bernard of Bishop Wilton and William Cade of Gowthrop; and to grant 4 oxgangs of freehold land in Bishop Wilton to Sir W.H., conditional on payment of certain sums by Sir W.H. (16 November 1605). Also reciting that Mary Hildyard, a daughter and co-heir of Sir W.H., has conveyed to Richard Darley of London gent. her part of the said 4 oxgangs, called Freebroads. Now, the said sums having been paid by Sir W.H., T.S.

(a) Quitclaims to A.B. and W.C. the copyhold lands; and

(b) Bargains and sells to William Norton of Sawley and wife Anne and Richard Darley and wife Elizabeth the 4 oxgangs (i.e. one third part to W. & A.N. and two third parts to R. & E.D.)

Not executed

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