Bargain & Sale: for £100 and payment of scheduled debts (schedule missing): Arthur Mitchelborne of Helperthorpe gent. & wife Anne to her brother Thomas Clarke of Beverley gent.

Reference No:
U DDSY/70/78
1 Oct 1653
Manor of Helperthorpe with 2 messuages & 34 oxgangs. 2 messuages, 3 cottages & 17 oxgangs in Weaverthorpe. Messuages & lands in Borehousehill and Paul Holme. Messuages & lands in Beverley. Cottages & close called Laith Garth in Molescroft. Tenants named: To hold premises in Helperthorpe & Weaverthorpe as conveyed by Robert Hildyard of Linton Graunge to Anne M., then Anne Fox widow; and residue of premises for her life, at £28 rent. Provision for a lease of the manor of, and 18 oxgangs & closes in, Helperthorpe to Arthur Mitchell if Anne should die before him. Witn. Tho. Milner, Ja. Forster, Fra. Knaggs, Bartho. Warwicke, Rich. Morden, Thomas Harland
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Papers of the Sykes family of Sledmere