Photograph of Bargain & Sale: for £29.13s.4d: Guye Fawkes of York gent. to Anne Skipseye of Cliftone spinster

Reference No:
U DDSY/76/1
1 Aug 1592
Messuage or farmhold with a garth & garden, 2 1/2ac. in the fields, 1/2ac. meadow in close called Huntingtone Buttes, 1ac. meadow in Lufton Car, 3 Ing Ends and 2 crofts or lees of meadow in a croft adjoining the garth ends on the E. part of the messuage, all in her occupation; and 1ac. in the Towne end felld in occupation of Richard Dickinsone, all in Clifton. And all other estates of G.F. in Clifton except 3 1/2ac. arable (i.e. 1/2ac. called a pittland; 1r. at New Close Gate in the fields towards Roclif, 1/2ac. in Milne Felld; 1r. in a flatt called the Laires; 1/2ac. called Laires in Fosseside; '1 (ac.?) called a hungrie land one half are beyond the newe windemill'; and 1ac. at More Brottes) and 1ac. meadow in the Ings, as leased by him to Christofer Lumleye of York tailor (14 October 1591): Indemnity against claims of Edeth, widow of Edward F. dec'd., mother of G.F. and now wife of Dionise Baynebridge gent
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