Lease and Release

Reference No:
U DDWB/5/85
1 - 2 Apr 1700
i) Elizabeth, widow of William Boynton, esq. and Sir Griffith Boynton, all of Agnes Burton ii) Thomas Hutton, esq. and Francis Boynton, gent. of Grays Inn iii) John Hunter: manor and mansion house of Burton Agnes with the Great Cow Pasture, the Innbutts, the Conny-Garth, Cawood Closes, watermill, windmill, Wandell Close; messuage and 4 oxgangs; messuage, Bower Close and 6 oxgangs; messuage, Upper Garth and 4 oxgangs; messuage, hemp yard and 6 oxgangs; messuage, orchard, Elloughton Garth, Carewell Close and 7 oxgangs; messuage, Hemp Yard Croft, Outgate Close and 7 oxgangs; messuage, Milne Close, Willow Damme and 5 oxgangs; messuage, Lower Milne Close, Fishpooles Close, Parry's Crofts and 4 oxgangs; messuage, Guild Garth, Upper Cow Pasture, Fordaine Hills, close called the Booth at the nether end of the Great Cow Pasture and 10 1/2 oxgangs; Upper Wandell Close, 7 oxgangs demesne lands; close called Oram and Oram - Pitts; messuage, Drapes Cottate, Saffron Garth a little croft, close and 8 oxgangs; messuage, hemp-yard, Upper Clifton Close, and 9 oxgangs; messuage, smith's shop and 1 oxgang; Moore - house Field, Ferriby Crofts, New Ings; 38 cottages (mentions Breasts House, Peppers Cottage, Hodgsons Cottage and Moore - house Field Cottage); Waid House; 2 closes; parcel called the Hawd (in three parts); the Demesne Baulks and the Common Baulks; the Lea in the Crofts; Byoot Hill; Outgate Close, 2 Hopp Yards; Coopers Close; messuage, crofts and Corn Close. (Tenants named): To lead to a Recovery to the use of Elizabeth Boynton for life and then to Sir G.B. Witn. Elizabeth Hudson, Michael Archer, Rebecca Kirshaw, Wm. Ginnins. Endorsement '[ ] the cutting of the intale of Burton'
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Hull University Archives
Papers of the Wickham-Boynton Family (incorporating Griffith) of Burton Agnes