Gift: Henry the chaplain, son of John the clerk of Burton Annays, to Master Robert de Rypplyngham, chancellor of York Minster

Reference No:
U DDWB/6/1
5 Nov 1315
All his property in Burton Annays and Thyrnum (i.e. 2 bovates and 2 tofts in Thyrnum (being the bovate and toft which Andrew the smith ('Faber') sometime held and the bovate and toft which Stephen Fueer sometime held) - rendering a rose yearly to Sir Geoffrey de Sancto Quyntino; a bovate in Thyrnum which H. had of the gift of William son of Stephen de Thyrnum (between land of the said William on the S. and bovate sometime of Thomas Romund on the other side); all the selions called le Forlandes which H. had of the gift of the said William son of Stephen, excepting 5ac. held by John de Thyrnum which he recovered from H.; and 2 tofts and crofts which H. had of the gift of John son of John de Burton (lying in length and breadth in the town of Burton Annays between the toft sometime held by Walter Vassel of Sir Robert de Somervyle W.; and the toft sometime held by William the carter ('Carrectarius') of the said Robert de Somervyle E.; and from the common way through the middle of the town to the demesne parcel of cultivated land ('dominicam culturam') of the same town called le Estedayl):: Rendering 7 marks silver yearly for life of H. Witn. Sir Geoffrey de Sancto Quintino, Sir John son William of Hastthorp, William de Roddestan, William de Shirburn, William Dryng de Roston, John Hyrning of Thyrnum, Anselm Dryng of the same, Richard Aucupe. Given at Burton Annays. Wednesday after All Saints 9 Ed. II
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Papers of the Wickham-Boynton Family (incorporating Griffith) of Burton Agnes