Gift: Thomas de Hacthorp to Thomas Fayrefax of Walton, Thomas de Barley of Wodeshom, John de Langeforth of Hathersege & Ralph Leche of Baselawe :- - all his part of the manor of Osgodby - -: Witn. Sir Thomas de Metham, John Fayrefax, clerk, Thomas de Etton, Thomas Daynell, Edmund de Metham. Given at Walton Mon. after Nat. B.V.M., 10 Ric. II.

Reference No:
U DDX/16/230
10 Sep 1386
All his part of the manor of Osgodby: Witn. Sir Thomas de Metham, John Fayrefax, clerk, Thomas de Etton, Thomas Daynell, Edmund de Metham. Given at Walton Mon. after Nat. B.V.M., 10 Ric. II. Endorsements: '... de mediet' man' de Osgodby' (contemporary); 'A grant of the 3rd parte of Osgodby' (16th century); and 'Grant of the 3rd parte of Osgodby Manor' (19th century). 'No. 1'
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