File. 'Russian'. 'A16'

Reference No:
U DEW2/4/10


a) Memorandum by Helmsing & Grimm, of Riga, shipbrokers, regarding ownership of the steam tug Mosquito (owned by T.W.S.C. but registered at Riga), 9 - 21 August 1884

b) Agreement: Helmsing & Grimm and T.W.S.C.: formation of Company (to be called Rigaer Schnelldampfer Gesellschaft) to operate Riga - London service with refrigerated ships for perishable goods using vessels Castro, Hydro and Sappho, 14 February 1901

c) Undertaking by Helmsing & Grimm regarding the above Company and ships, 17 - 30 April 1901

d) 'Northern Agreement': i) T.W.S.C, ii) D.F.D.S, iii) Det Dansk Russisk Dampskibs Selskabaktiselskab of Copenhagen, iv) Northern Steamship Co. Ltd. of St. Petersburg: Anglo-Russian trade (Baltic ports), 31 December 1907

e) Agreement: E.W.L. and First Riga Assurance Co. Riga: insurances of cargo from Latvia, 17 March 1924

f) Agreement: Arcos Steamship Co. Ltd. of London as agents of the State Mercantile Fleet of U.S.S.R. (Sovtorgflot Moscow) and E.W.L.: E.W.L. to operate a service of 3 refrigerated ships (including the Zero) to transport butter and other perishables between Leningrad and Hull, 26 June 1925, with draft, typed copy, Russian language version (and typed copy) and relative correspondence (4), June 1925

g) Agreement: Latvian Branch of Sovtorgflot in Riga, E.W.L. and the United Baltic Corporation of London: Riga, Hull, London trade [Russian, with English translation], 9 August 1928

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