Lease: for 12 years 3 months: for 50 marks: Sayer de Sutton to Thornton Abbey

Reference No:
U DHO/16/9
Pasture for 616 sheep (100 being reckoned at 6 score) and 20 beasts in the land and marshes of Sutton, Hull, Sotecotes and Dripol, and in his common pastures between Hull and Wilflet. 60ac. meadow in Sutton (in Ledeholmdale, Dodersicdale and the culture abutting on Lede). Site of a sheepcote (1ac.) in the said culture, and of another which the monks of Meaux held, enclosed by a ditch: Witnessed Fulk de Oyri, Alan de Danthorp, William Passemer, Ranulf the sheriff, Robert de Burton clerk, Peter de Witon, Adam de Witon, William de Bilton, William Truay, Henry the clerk of Hedon, Henry Regulus, Richard fitz Norman, William de Watton. (Add. Mss. 26,736. f.90. B.M.)
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Documents relating to the Seigniory of Holderness