L.C. Westenenk, 'Rentjong-schrift II. Beschreven hoorns in het landschap Krintji', 'Tijdschrift van het Bataviaasch Genootschap', vol.61, 1922, pp.95-110. Offprint.
- Reference No:
- U DJA/2/5
- Dates:
- 1922
- Description:
- See P. Voorhoeve, 'Languages of Sumatra', The Hague, 1955, p.41, no.104: "This publication is based on copies of inscriptions made by E. Jacobson". The subject matter is legendary history. At p.101, the article introduces the texts as follows: "Twee oud Krintjische inscripties, ingegrift op karbouwhoorns, in bezit van Datoek Singarapi Poetih, doesoen Soengai Penoeh, mendopo van denzelfden naam". The Kerinci texts, in romanized transliteration and Dutch translation, are given in parallel columns. The first has 37 lines, and the second has 35. A facsimile of the original script of the first text is also given.
- Format:
- Archive Item
- Extent:
- 1 item
- Language:
- Dutch
- Access Conditions:
- Access will be granted to any accredited reader
- Repository:
- Hull University Archives
- Collection:
Papers of Professor Mervyn Aubrey Jaspan (1926-1975)