Bound volume, lettered 'I. B.'s, 1945. Miscellaneous'.

Reference No:
U DJH/15/A/21


a) Resolution on the national question in Europe: issued from the Central Committee: for discussion in the Party, 11 November 1944

b) Opposition minority position at the Central Committee, July 1944, to the Political Bureau resolution: Second front and the tasks of the working class (Mid - June 'Socialist Appeal' 1944), by A. Cooper, 9 November 1944

c) 'Internal Bulletin': 'A balance sheet on the discussion on Europe', by Felix Morrow, [1945]

d) 'Internal Bulletin': 'The first phases of the coming European revolution: a criticism of the international resolution of the Fifteenth Anniversary Plenum', by Felix Morrow, [October 1944]

e) Perspectives and tasks of the coming European revolution; resolution adopted by the Fifteenth Anniversary Plenum of the Socialist Workers Party, 2 November 1943, [November? 1944]

f) First phases of the coming European revolution: Report to Plenum (S.W.P. [Socialist Workers Party]), October 1943

g) 'Internal Bulletin': 'On the national question in Europe', by Peter Nichols, [December 1944?]

h) 'Internal Bulletin'. 'The resolution issued by the C. C. [Central Committee] on 11 November 1944, on the National question in Europe ..' by W. G., January 1944

i) Copies of letters: (i) To Mr C. Attlee, Prime Minister; Sir Hartley Shawcross Attorney-General; and the Russian Prosecutor, Nuremberg Trial; concerning the Nuremberg Trial; from the Secretary, Revolutionary Communist Party: December 1944 - January 1945; (ii) To the National Secretary of the Labour Party and to the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Great Britain concerning British Government action in Indo-China and Java: 11 November 1945

j) Correspondence with the S.W.P. [Socialist Workers Party] on the Nuremberg Trial, [June? 1946]

k) Printed form for: Monthly Branch Membership Report

l) P. B. [Political Bureau?] statement on relief for Europe, [no date]

m) 'Internal Bulletin' no. 4. 'The panel system of election and Bolshevik t radition', by the P. B. [Political Bureau?], October 1945

n) To members of the Central Committee [Notice of meeting and] provisional agenda for 1 and 2 December 1945, 18 November 1945

p) For discussion at the Central Committee, 1 and 2 December 1945. Draft resolution on the proposed fusion of the S.W.P. [Socialist Workers Party] with theW. P. [Workers' Party] (U.S.A. [United States of America]), by the P. B., [Political Bureau?], and ['Orientation of the Revolutionary Communist Party towards students'] by Peter Jackson, 17 November 1945

q) [Report of the P. B. [Political Bureau?] to the Central Committee?]. Since its last report of 16 November, the P. B. has met twice, [December 1945?]

r) Another copy of ['Orientation of the Revolutionary Communist Party towards students'] by Peter Jackson see 21(p), [17 November 1945?]

s) 'To all Party Branches: on the Vigilante committees', by the P. B. [Political Bureau?] [placing homeless families of servicemen into homes], 12 July 1945

t) Circular to members on the B.F.Y.C. [British Federation of Young Co-operators], 9 July 1945

u) 'Dear Comrade, The enclosed letter speaks for itself ...' [the enclosed letter, here duplicated, is from Birmingham, concerning a new position regarding redundancy, supposedly adopted by the employers and the Trade Unions], 5 July 1945

v) P. B. [Political Bureau?] statement on relief for Europe, [no date] [another copy of (l) above]

w) 'The crisis in the Communist Party and the tasks of our party'; issued by the P. B. [Political Bureau?] on the instruction of the C. C. [Central Committee], 2 December 1945

x) 'Internal Bulletin', no. 1. International information: the situation in Greece, September 1945

y) 'Internal Bulletin', new series no. 2. International news of other sections [Belgian, French, Egyptian, Malta, India, Spain, Greece], 17 March 1945

z) 'Father Loriquet', by P. F., 1 December 1945

aa) History of P.C.I. and P.O.I. 1940 - 1944 [and reports on national sections: Belgium, George's Group, Germans, Holland, Greece], [October 1944?]

ab) 1945 Conference resolution on the 'Left Faction', 1945

ac) Questionnarie [sic] on the situation in the Labour Party. [The P. B. instructs all ... to send in a brief assessment ...], and Accommodation for Annual Conference to be held 7 - 9 September [blank form], [July? 1945]

ad) Fascism revival- a statement by the Political Bureau, January 1946

ae) Political letter issued by the Political Bureau, 24 May 1944

af) Government releases Mosley. Issued by the Workers International League, [November 1943?]

ag) Revolutionary Communist Party. 'Internal Discussion Bulletin' no. 1. 'Our attitude towards the Mosley campaign', etc., 28 May 1944

ah) 'Introduction to model standing orders', by the P. B. [Political Bureau?], and Model standing orders, November 1943

ai) C. C. [Central Committee] report, 19 April 1944

aj) 'On the expulsion of Alan Christianson', by the P. B. , [no date]

ak) 'To the I.E.C. and E.E.C. Dear friends'; from D. Logan, [about transferring the functions of the I. S. to the E.E.C.], 20 October 1945

al) 'To the I.S., to the E.E.C. and to the I.E.C. Dear Comrade'; from G. Munis, Mexico [about the same matter], 9 November 1945

am) Draft resolution on the Far East and India, issued by the P. B. , Mid - June 1945

an) 'To all members of the Revolutionary Communist Party. At the recent Conference of the RCP ...' by P. F. [Pierre Frank? Contains translation of letter, by Pierre Frank? Sent 17 July, to E.S. and C. C. [Central Committee] of the P.C.I.], [August 1945?]

ap) 'On the expulsion of Alan Christianson' [two more copies of (aj) above]

aq) Statement to members from the P. B. 'The P. B. has decided to contest the by-election in the Neath, South Wales, constituency ... ,' 3 January 1945

ar) Minority statement to the Central Committee of 9, 10 February 1946, by G.H., J.E.G., H.F., and reply by the C. C. [Central Committee], [February? 1946]

as) Report on the Neath campaign, by John Lawrence, 13 June 1945

at) Directive to branches and members: General Election campaign. 'Dear Comrades . . . from the P. B.', 27 May 1945

au) Statement of the Political Bureau on the General Election, 26 May 1944 [sic 1945]

av) Copy of letter from John McNair, Independent Labour Party [to Jock Haston, in reply to a letter of 19 March, concerning alleged misappropriation of funds for the Anti - Labour Laws Victims Defence Committee], 27 March 1945

aw) Statement to members. 'Dear comrades, The decision to fight the Neath by - election is a bold step ...' [fund raising], [between January and May? 1945]

ax) Internal material: ... two letters, one from the I.S. to ourselves, the other from the Revolutionary Communist Party to the I.S., May 1945

ay) Copy of letter from Peck, Italy. 'At long last the February ...'; correspondence betwen the Secretariat and the Spanish Group in Mexico; and between the Secretariat and the Italians, [May? 1945]

az) 'Electoral policy. The prospect of the ending of the war ... adopted by the Central Committee, July 1944

ba) Anti - Labour Laws Defence ... local provisional committee. [Letter from A.J.G. Winter, and notice of North East London Conference of Anti - Labour Laws Victims Defence Committee]; Draft resolution [protesting against the arrest of Roy Tearse, etc., and speakers notes; To all branches, 'Dear comrades, We have now succeeded in setting up ...' [a Defence Committee], [March? 1944]

bb) The Central Study Class. [To train new cadres of lecturers; with syllabus], [no date]

bc) 'To all party members: The national press is now carrying provocative reports ...' from J. Haston, General Secretary, 4 April 1944

bd) 'Dear Comrades, Every comrade is now aware of the raids ... and the arrests of Roy Tearse ...', [12 April 1944]

be) C. C. [Central Committee] report, 19 April 1944

bf) '777 ... 777 7 points' [organisational], [no date]

bg) Statement to members from the P. B. [Political Bureau?] The P. B. has decided to contest the by - election [Another copy of 21 (aq)], 3 January 1945

bh) Statement to members from the Political Bureau. 'Dear comrades, The trial is over . . .', 22 June 1944

bi) P. B. [Political Bureau?] statement to members. Perspective of the Party work on the A.L.L.V.D.C. [Anti - Labour Laws Victims defence Committee], September? 1944]

bj) For discussion at the Central Committee: 1A(a) and the tasks of the industrial militants, by Roy Tearse, [Autumn 1944?]

bk) 'Internal Bulletin', no.5, June 1945

bl) 'Internal Bulletin', new series no. 1. The article which is reproduced here is from the 'Militant miner' of October - November 1944, 7 March 1945

bm) Open letter to the membership. 'The following resolution ...' [concerning withdrawal of an alleged statement], from W.D., T. M., J.L.R., [August? 1945]

bn) Statement on the West London resolution, by the Left Fraction, 27 July 1945

bp) Circular to members of the Revolutionary Communist Party. A reply to the letter of the Revolutionary Communist Party to members of the Left Fraction, by the Left Fraction, 22 August 1945

bq) 1945 Revolutionary Communist Party Conference Resolution on on [sic] the Left Fraction, [August? 1945]

br) Left Fraction statement to Conference, 28 July 1945

bs) Fusion negotiations between the Socialist Workers Party and the Workers' Party; S.W.P. minority resolution on unity, etc., October 1945

bt) 'Again: on Unity with the Shachtmanites', by James P. Cannon (speech at New York membership meeting of the S.W.P. [Socialist Workers Party?]); Summary speech at the New York membership meeting, by James P. Cannon; 'Unity with the Workers Party and the organisational question', by Albert Goldman (based on speeches made at the New York membership meeting), 2 September 1945

bu) Resolution on the proposed fusion of the Socialist Workers Party with the W. P. (U.S.A. [United States of America]) C. C. [Central Committee] resolution, 2 December 1945

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Records of Jock Haston